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What Attracts Millennials?

It is no secret that their values and outlook on life and what matters to them is different from the generations before them. What has changed? What are they seeking? How can your content give them what they want? Millennials have shaken the foundational principles that former generations established. As they live in a highly dynamic world with new technological gadgets springing up everywhere that they turn, their attention is limited and hence the content that they seek must be catchy. Still, the thirst for information goes on and, possibly through innovative ways, there are ways you can capture their fickle attention.

Cut unnecessary details

Information overload is a common problem in our modern world. From blogs, magazines, movies, apps, social media, e-books, the list is endless. The competition for the reader’s attention is much higher than it has ever been before thus the need to put out focused content. When targeting millennials, keep discussions short or otherwise make the content gripping. Too many details that do not add any value to the piece will most likely be passed over.

Familiarize yourself with popular topics.

Looking at what is trending on social media platforms will definitely give you an edge over your competition. It will also help you come up with content that millennials are interested in. Popular hashtags, showbiz news and fashion trends are a great source of content. Millennials are also facing unique challenges and helping them solve some of the issues they have to deal with could also be an attractive way of engaging them.

Understand your audience

Millennials have been a source of many stereotypical perceptions, some of them are relatively true while others are not so true. Researching valid data on the specific age group you are writing for will give you an idea of what to write about. Be careful on this one since much of the data out there may not be reliable. It is surprising that research actually shows that millennials are greater readers than other generations yet the common perception out there differs from these findings. Test every stereotype; the outcome might surprise you and open your mind to new approaches.

Build a relationship

There has never been a time in history when feelings and relationships have played a role like they do today. People want to connect and feel. They want to be heard and to know that their opinion counts. They want someone who can put out content that they can relate to and they want to understand the person behind the work. The emphasis is on relating and connecting.

Include attractive images

Today’s advancement in technology has led to the development of devices that capture beauty like never before. Images are playing a great role in attracting audiences. They also turn a dull page into something that is unique and which contains style. Incorporating attractive designs in your work where possible, like in blogs and websites, will help attract even more millennials. Instead of using many words to communicate, try fewer words and more images.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu