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What Causes Writer’s Block?

Writer’s block is more common than you might think; many writers come to a point where they run dry or, at the very least, find it hard going because the ideas are not flowing. They get mentally and physically exhausted, may not be able to focus, suffer from brain fog, no inspiration and with frustration and stress levels rising. There is some good news; writer’s block isn’t as bad as you think it is and you can push through it and get back to work eventually.


There are quite a few things that potentially cause writer’s block and I’m going to talk about some of the more common ones and how you can fix them.

Burn Out

We are not designed to work efficiently all the time and burn out is all too common when we push ourselves beyond our natural bounds. The human body and mind need alternative periods of rest and activity and if you can stick to that, you’ll be back on top form fairly quickly. Take a break; forget about your writing for a while and go do something else, including catching up on your sleep!

Medical Issues

Some medical conditions can interfere with your focus, including underactive thyroid and diabetes. If you haven’t had a medical for some time, go get one – most conditions can be easily treated. If you are already being treated for a medical condition and your writing has slowed down, talk to your doctor; it could be that the medication you are on is interfering.


Perhaps you have a lot going on in your day-to-day job, in your home life, or anywhere else. That can mean your writing has to slide because you can't concentrate on everything – trying to cope with it all will not be conducive to good health! First, step back from everything. Work out what is stressing you the most and then ask for help. Be honest with yourself about what needs to be done and, if necessary, step away from the writing for a while and get everything else back on track first. Keep your hand in by reading a lot and writing short stories every now and again; at some point in the future, you will get back to writing your book.

Your Expectations are Unrealistic

Ask yourself if you put far too much pressure on yourself to make every page of your book perfect? This is common but is not productive. Even the most famous writers have had writer’s block, usually after a successful book. The first novel was a challenge, a bit of fun but success with it can lead to pressure on getting the next book as perfect.

It doesn’t matter how little or how much writing you have done in the past; focus on having fun while you are writing and telling your inner critic to shut up. Tell yourself all the reasons that you began writing, why writing feels so good for you. And make it a daily goal to get something down on paper, no matter how little it is. Revising can come later; for now, just write.

You can overcome writer’s block, even if it is a medical condition that requires help. At the very worst, you can just walk away and leave your book for a while, unless you are on a timed contract of course, and then you would need to talk with your agent.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds