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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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What Is Freelance Writing

This question seems self-explanatory, but there are many people who don't fully understand what freelance writing is and what type of content can be considered freelance writing content. There are numerous companies that are always in search of freelance writers. Sometimes they hire writers and make them come into the office several hours a day. Sometimes local publications might call you a freelance writer if you have done three articles for them or more.

The Confusing Boards

To add to the confusion, you might notice that some of the large job boards only use terms such as magazine queries and submissions when talking about freelance writers. In spite of all the confusing information about freelance writers, there is actually a definition for the term. The word freelance actually originated from medieval England. It was used to refer to a knight who sold his services as a mercenary to any person who was willing to pay hence the words 'free' and 'lance' were combined to form freelance.

Any Work Is Viable, Right?

In the same way that knights used to work as mercenaries for hire, many writers today are willing to work for virtually any client as long as they get compensated for their work. A freelance writer is therefore a person who is willing to work for a client or company on a project-by-project basis. These temporary positions don't even need to have an actual contract. The similarity of freelance projects is the fact that most of them involve pieces of writing that have clear objectives and set deadlines. As soon as the article or project is complete, a writer moves on to other projects.

Variety of Writing

There are also different types of freelance writing projects. For instance, there are web writing projects, marketing writing, social media writing, business writing, and many more. There are some freelance writers whose main focus is magazines and the bulk of the work done by these writers is sending out query letters and writing pieces for print publications. Some freelancers concentrate on working for non-profit organizations by providing them with grant writing services and developing proposals for them.

Effective Type

When you become a freelance writer, there must be a particular type of writing that you might want to do. You should know exactly what your weaknesses and strengths are in order to choose the perfect type of job. Once you figure out what type of writing you want to do and for which market, you will realize that there is a lot more work than you can handle by yourself.

One of the best things about freelance writing is that you have considerably more freedom than people with regular jobs can ever dream of. Despite having all the freedom in the world, you will quickly realize that it comes with many responsibilities. Writing for different clients is only part of a freelance writer's work. You will be the one to create and send invoices to clients, manage your expenses, submit tax returns, and handle multiple projects at the same time. You should know that money earned as a freelance writer is never constant because clients come and go. It is therefore your job to consistently find good clients that will pay you enough money to cover your personal and business expenses.