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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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What is the Best Print on Demand Platform?

Pouring your heart and soul into a book that you will be publishing is simply not enough. It often takes time and a little bit of creativity in order to create a masterpiece. It also requires you to look for a print on demand platform in order to start publishing. So what is the best print on demand platform? Traditionally, one of the many problems that we face when it comes to self publishing is that we are often affected by the upfront costs. We spend more money than what we actually earn for the books. So, most writers often have a hard time when it comes to self publication. In order to combat this scenario, we can actually use a print on demand platform.

What is a print on demand platform? It is actually a platform designed for digital press printing or POD. This means that the number of books that will be printed will depend on the number of books that you want to publish. For instance, if you need over 500 books then you can ask the POD platform company to print you the exact number. On the other hand, if you want to put your book up for sale and you want someone else to buy and ship the item then your Print On Demand Company will also take care of the rest.

So, what is the best print on demand platform? The best POD platform will actually depend on your orders. If you have large orders then you will certainly need a company that can handle bulk shipments. However, if you will be publishing a small amount of books then stay away from large POD companies since you will actually spend more for publishing. The lesson here is that more is less. The cost for printing books will often have discounts according to the number of orders that you have placed. This means that if you are ordering more than 1000 books then you will certainly get a large order discount.

Most of the POD companies also offer offset printing wherein you can actually make the costs for the publishing much less expensive. Along with offset printing, most companies also provide personal storefronts wherein you can sell your own book in their own website or store. Through placing your item in their store you will not have to worry about setting up your own bookstore or peddling your work. Best of all, you will be able to keep 100% of the markup for the cost of the book.

Finally, the best companies that provide print on demand platforms are the ones which will often have advertising deals. If you want to show the world your new book and you want to be advertised, then they can help you through the use of various social medial channels, websites and blogs. You will be able to increase the sales of your book in no time.