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What To Consider When Choosing Your Genre, Topic and Title

The very first thing you should think about when you decide to write is what exactly you want to write about. For some people, choosing a genre, topic and title is an easy task, but not so much for others. It is imperative that you give good consideration to this area before going ahead. This way, you eliminate chances of wasting your time, only to realize halfway that you are unable or unwilling to finish the book. If you place your book in the wrong genre, you will likely not have sufficient content to write a comprehensive book and, even if you do, chances are that you will not reach your intended audience.

Brain Storming: Do a quick outline of the exact message you wish to convey to your readers. When your thoughts and ideas are muddled in your head, it might not be easy to place them into the right topic, but once they are on paper before you, it is easier to find a topic that rightfully describes the central message of your book. Write out the main message and the subtopics to help you organize your thoughts and determine what subgenre and title best represent your ideas.

Initial Research: Research goes a long way in helping you nail down your topic and title. Do not assume that you know enough to decide your subgenre and topic without any research. What you are doing here is merely the initial research to ensure that you start on the right track. Focus on such things like determining if you have adequate knowledge on your topic of interest, availability of target audience, and other such crucial factors. This helps you position your content right from the very beginning.

Passion: As much as research goes a long way in giving you content, it will only take you so far. The one thing that will drive you to the finishing line and beyond will be your passion for the topic or genre. If you are writing on a topic that you are passionate about, you will definitely have the energy and excitement to share your content with your readers. This excitement will push you to write until all the content is ready and then ensure that it reaches your intended audience.

Keywords: Make sure that the keywords in your topic can help the reader easily place the book in its right genre. As much as an ambiguous topic might intrigue readers, if it is too ambiguous or too out of touch with its intended genre, potential readers will most probably skip it for titles that are more relatable. So make sure that your title is unique, but it can easily be placed in the right subgenre.

Intended Audience: Of course, there is no point in writing a remarkable book if it will not reach your intended audience. One of the key things you must determine before starting to write is who your intended readers are and making sure that your chosen subgenre and topic speak directly to that audience.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Faridah Nassozi