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What to Write About in Law

The law is a very large and very popular topic choice for writers because, in general, people are interested in how the law directly affects them, possible changes that could affect them, and the politics of them. However, because the law is such a huge topic area, it is imperative to create your own unique niche among the many other people who write about the law.

The first thing for the writer to consider is if there is anything about them that makes them uniquely qualified to write on a specific law topic area. This can be done by choosing a specific perspective to write from; some examples of different perspectives are: lawyer, judge, jury, clerk, defendant, prosecutor, witness, cop, agent, and/or member of the media. Once the writer has chosen a perspective, he or she needs to find a specific focus so that the topic is not left wide open; the focus could be child law, divorce law, criminal law, effect of the law, those that uphold the law, prosecution, defense, jury psychology, and/or any topic that falls under the category of law.

Popular Topics

The most popular topics in the law field are generally those that are currently in the news, are always a problem, involve something not previous known or done, and/or current cases that do not have a clear verdict. These topics tend to be popular because people can form different beliefs about them and argue about the topics based on that belief. This sort of argumentative topic offers an opportunity for those interested in writing on the topic of law because the writer can approach the topic from multiple sides and write multiple articles on the same topic. If the writer picked the topic of criminal law, he or she could write multiple articles on the case; for example he or she could write a series of articles on the topics of:

1. Why the defendant should be considered guilty

2. Why the defendant should be considered innocent

3. The victim(s)

4. Those involved in the court case like the judge, defense, and prosecutor

5. The media coverage of the case

6. The bare facts of the case without any opinion or conjecture

All Time Favorites

There are always new topics and arguments in the field of law, as there are always new court cases, both local and federal, new proposals for laws, proposals for changes to laws, and all the politics that affect the law. These new topics can generally be located through Google Trends, the media, gossip. However, there are also argumentative topics that generally stay interesting to people because of the fact that there is not one right answer. Here are three popular arguments that people are typically interested in:

1. Should the victim of a violent or sexual crime be allowed to have input on the punishment of the criminal if convicted? Why or why not?

2. Should there be more laws in place to force colleges to keep students safe? Why or why not? If yes, what should the new laws say?

3. Should abuse of an animal be a federal crime? Should the punishment be steeper? Should there be more laws in place to protect animals? If yes, what should the new laws say?

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke