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What to Write about in Politics

Politics is a very large field to write about because there are multiple political parties that support different political policies. This means that a political writer should make sure to narrow their field of writing by both perspective and by focus. The political writer should choose a specific perspective or viewpoint to write from; this could be anything from a member of a political party to a mother or teacher. The writer then needs to choose a specific focus in order to create a niche; some focus options are: Republican policies, Democratic policies, independent policies, US politics, world politics, how current politics affect families, education in politics, marriage in politics, or any other field of politics.

Popular Topics    

When it comes to finding which topics are the most popular, there are two main groups, which are current politics and argumentative politics. People tend to be most interested in politics that are occurring currently, which affect them in some way. A writer on Google Trends can generally find these current political topics with ease. People also tend to be very interested in political topics that have multiple arguments or sides to them as it allows the issue to be argued from different perspectives. For example, one such argumentative topic is: Should a civics test be created that a person has to pass before they are allowed to vote? This topic can be approached from multiple angles for a political writer to create a series of different articles on the topic. Some examples of political articles from this argument are:

                1. The civics test should only be required for those not born in the US

                2. The civics test should only apply to be who do not graduate high school

                3. The civics test could be used to discriminate against people

                4. A person’s level of knowledge should not mean they cannot vote

                5. What the civics test should include

                6. What other people believe about such a test

A political writer can typically locate varied topics by searching out political blogs, forums, and articles on the internet.

All Time Favorites

Staying up to date about current political topics can take time and effort that could be better devoted to writing about politics. The best way to avoid having to be constantly searching and writing about new political topics is to write about the argumentative topics because they tend to remain popular all the time. Three examples of argumentative topics are:

                1. Should political parties be done away with like George Washington suggested in his farewell address?

                2. Pro Life vs Pro Choice. Which option is better? Could they be combined somehow to reach a compromise that would make both the Pro Life and Pro Choice groups happy? What would be included in such a compromise?

                3. Should a third major political part be created? What should the party be? What policies should it support? How would it be created and made popular enough to be equal to the Democratic and Republican parties? If a third party should not be created, then why not?

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke