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What to Write about in Religion

Religion is a very big field to write about because there are so many different religions and there are different off shoots of the different religions. The size of the topic area means that a writer needs to narrow the topic down by perspective and focus. The perspective that a writer chooses needs to be one that the writer is knowledgeable about and capable of writing about and also maintaining perspective. Some examples of perspectives would be minister, believer, teacher, and parent. For the focus, a writer should either choose one religion to focus his or her writing on or a specific point to compare and contrast various religions on. For example, a writer’s focus could be: Christianity, Buddhism, or how different religions promote peace.

Popular Topics    

The two main religious topics that tend to be popular are debates and current events. Most readers tend to be interested in events that are happening currently or those that can be argued from multiple sides or perspectives. Religious current event topics can be located through the utilization of Google Trends while debatable topics can be found through forums, social media, and gossip. One of the all-time popular debate topics is: Does God exist? This is a topic that can enable a person to write a series of articles covering different arguments; for instance, some titles for this topic could be:

1. Pascal's Wager: Why believing in God is the safe choice

2. Does science promote the idea that God does not exist?

3. Why people believe in God

4. The Bible proves God is real because…

5. Works of literature that support the belief that God is real.

All Time Favorites

Staying up to date about current religious topics can take up a goodly amount of time and effort that could be better devoted to writing about religion. In order to avoid spending time seeking current religious topics, which are always changing, a writer can instead focus on topics that are more debatable. Some examples of the most popular debatable topics are:

1. Should the church and state be separated? Why? On what level should they remain separate, if at all? Should all religions remain separate from the state? Should Christianity be allowed to be a part of the state, but not other religions? Why or why not?  

2. Should funding be provided to religious groups that offer charitable services that do not profit? What types of services should the group have to offer in order to get funding? Should there be a limit on the funding? Should funding come in the form of a grant from the state or federal government?

3. Should schools allow for the celebration of religious holidays like Christmas? What about the religious holidays from other religions? Should religious holidays remain fully separate from schools? Why or why not? Should private schools be allowed to involve themselves with religious holidays? What about public schools? Should each school be allowed to make the choice for itself? Why or why not? How would the choice be made?

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke