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What to Write About in Technology

Technology has grown into an enormous field to write about because there are so many diverse types of technology. The immensity of the topic means that the writer needs to narrow the field down by perspective and focus. The writer should take care to choose a perspective and focus that they are able to write about without being too broad or too limited. When choosing the perspective, the writer needs to choose one that already poses a question; whether from a technology user, creator, tester, or maker. For the focus, it is important to choose a sub category that is well defined so as not to confuse the reader. For example, the writer could choose to focus on a specific brand or type of technology like Apple devices, Samsung devices, smart phones, smart cars, artificial intelligence, Amazon devices, or a comparison of devices or brands.

Popular Topics    

The three main technology topics that tend to be always be popular are debatable topics, new devices/technologies, and current events related to technology. Readers tend to be interested in events that are happening currently, those that can be argued from multiple sides or perspectives, and brand new devices/technologies. Current events that involve technology can generally be located through Google Trends while debatable topics can be found through forums, social media, and gossip. New devices/technologies can be found through contacting technology developers directly or monitoring their social media pages and press releases. Here are some examples of popular topics that fall into these three categories.

Debatable Topics

1. How smart are artificial intelligence devices like Siri and Echo currently? Will their intelligence levels be increased by their developers? How smart should they be allowed to get? Are there laws or rules for their regulation? Can they be hacked and used to steal personal information or to spy on people?

2. Are Apple devices better than Samsung devices and Google Devices? Is the Apple App store better than the Goggle Play store? What operating system is the best? What pieces would one take from each smart phone device if you were to create your own?

3. Can self-driving cars really be trusted? Could they be hacked? Are we really at a technological level where a self-driving car could be successful? Should all cars become self-driving cars in order to increase safety or would that be an invasion of person privacy/rights?

New Devices/Technologies

1. What new device is Apple, Samsung, Google, Amazon, etc. expecting next? How is it better than the current model? Is the price worth the improvements. Pros vs Cons.

2. A description of any new technologies currently undergoing development or creation, their release to date for the public, and a comparison of their price in relation to currently available technologies.

3. A description of any new devices currently undergoing development or creation, their release to date for the public, and a comparison of their price in relation to currently available devices.

Current Events

For current events, the writer can write about events that happened in the past and the outcome or effect of the events, as well as events that are expected to happen in the near future. For future events, writers can write about the desired outcome of the event as well as the writer's own opinion of the upcoming event. If the writer attends the event when it happens, the writer could then write a second article on the event itself and what it was actually like.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke