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What You Need to Know About Print on Demand Publishing

What is print on demand publishing (POD)? Once your book has been ordered by a customer, the company associated with your book will then print it. So this means no need to store books in bulk quantities because they are printed as and when needed. POD publishing has entirely revolutionised life for many authors, since many who cannot be published in the traditional way can now see their book in print.

So how do you create a print on demand book? If a writer chooses to self-publish, this means they are in charge of their own work and that means producing a print ready manuscript file. Some companies do offer publishing and editing packages, but to reduce costs you can produce all your own work. However, it is widely suggested that you seek a graphic designer to help you with your book cover as this will help get your book noticed.

Print on demand is changing the industry of book publishing by making it less expensive to publish your book if you are a new author. The other beauty of POD is that no purchase is necessary; it does not matter if you only sell one book as there is no additional cost to you. Therefore very little investment is needed to create and market your book but you will benefit from ongoing sales and profit.

So if POD publishing is for you, who are the best POD publishers?

There are a lot out there and they cater to many different needs and budgets. Some are better suited to novels, others to photography books, so it all depends upon your style of book. Some will also offer better royalties. It depends on what you want, but there is definitely no shortage of them out there. Here are a few for your consideration:

Lulu is a large publishing POD company and caters to a wide range of genres, including novels and photo books. They can publish on your behalf and can also create eBooks from your print copy. You can publish with them using a free service or one of their paid services. You can choose your own royalties options.

Blurb is best known for its photography books. However, you can publish novels with them. There are no upfront costs and you can download software from the website to help prepare your book. You can set your own prices and therefore you are in charge of your own profits.

CreateSpace has no upfront costs and a DIY option. They are part of the Amazon group of companies and therefore your book can be sold through Amazon at no extra cost. You can also claim a free ISBN. Once again, you can choose your own royalty options and they offer an eBook conversion package.

So if you do decide that the world of POD publishing is right for you, finish that book and find the right publishing company to meet your needs.