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Why Content is Key
You have seen new writers emerge from the popularity of the Internet. These writers are those who write for the web or use it to promote their books. Then you start to wonder: How come some writers have more visibility online than others?
One word: Content.
You have heard about that old adage that content is key, but you have never uncovered the full reason for its rationale. These would help:
1) I have seen writers putting up their own sites with the hopes of increasing their presence. Along the way, they fail because they fall short of delivering fresh, quality content on a regular basis. Consider your audience in mind.
Let us say that Sasha has been to your site before and she enjoyed your article titled, “Which Shade of Lipstick is Right for Your Lips?” But that was a month ago. She then decides to visit your site again, hoping that you have some new beauty tips to offer. To her dismay, it's still about the lipstick and it has no follow-up. Sasha says goodbye to your site.
Note that even if a single article helps you rank higher on search engines because many people are searching for that piece of information, understand that people will visit different sites and are likely to stick to the ones that keep them engaged with new information.
Okay, so now you have decided to go back to the drawing board. With the help of your web host, you make updates on your images, graphics, templates, and made the resolve to write one article a day. Sasha is surprised and happy to find fresh articles on your site. Yay!
People surf online whenever they find time. Even at work, bored employees sneak onto their favorite sites to see what’s new. Do not expect people to come back to your site if they see nothing new. Part of online surfing is the thrill of finding out what’s the latest.
Now, if you believe that writing an article daily will maintain reader engagement, think again. This time, consider how search engines work. Search engines behave the way people surf online. Search engines browse your content as well as whatever new material you have added. Then they index your pages for the listings on search engines.
Many writers out there hide their new articles within folders or sub-directories. Search engines cannot index this new content. Try putting a little icon or box on your front page that highlights your new content. Give your audience and search engines to view what’s new on your site for optimum results.
We make plants grow by watering them every day. Similarly, keep your site growing by writing quality content on a daily basis. By growing your site, you grow your engagement, online presence, and traffic. Good things have a way of rewarding you back. Understand that you are not only committing to yourself by writing every day; you commit to your audience by delivering information that they want. Go ahead and start writing.
Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado