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Why Is It So Important To Be Productive?

Whether you write for a living or just as a hobby, the planning of your writing schedule, getting the most out of your time is so important. Making your day productive is essential to your creativity for many reasons. I have listed the most important below. 

First, you can get your content out to your readers on a faster, continuous basis. Whatever you write, whether it is updating your website, or your blog, or working on your next novel, your readers will be expecting a continuous stream of content from you. If they can rely on you to always keep them informed on what you are writing, then your following will gradually build to quite a substantial audience. Remember, every time you attract a new reader to your content, they will also want to read everything you have written in the past too. If they discover that you do not have a lot of content to share with them, then they will simply move on to a writer that does. If you have only written one novel so far, then it is always a good idea to have a blog or a website to support the novel. That way readers can follow you and feel they are part of a community, but also you can update them on any new projects you are working on. If you have received great reviews from readers for your first novel, you will want to keep the momentum going. Unfortunately, readers are not that loyal when you are an up and coming writer and they will soon forget about you. If that happens, you will have to begin the whole marketing process from scratch when your next novel is published. 

Second, the more productive you become then the faster you will learn and not only about the craft of writing, but also how to proofread your work, how to edit it. You will learn the best promotional and marketing tactics that are the most effective too. 

Third, learning how to be more productive in your writing career will not only help you produce more writing but it will automatically filter through into every other aspect of our life. You will become more aware of time management and you will find that you will plan your day more efficiently, and thus have more time to spare for your writing. It is a win-win situation. Your confidence will also grow with the more content you create. Although placing your writing into the public domain for the first time is terrifying, you will improve the more you write, and when you receive positive feedback from your readers then you will be inspired to create more and more. As with everything in life, practice makes perfect and if you are serious about improving your writing then you have to be willing to write every day. 

If you really want to become a writer then you will have to learn to cut out the daily habits that do not move you in the right direction. That means stop wasting your time with pastimes that do not improve you as a person. They will have to be placed way down on your list of priorities. If you persevere and constantly learn from your past mistakes, then the quicker you will start producing content that your readers want to see.  

Do not allow your passion to fail because you have not dedicated the correct amount of time to it. Otherwise, that fantastic novel of yours will always remain on your computer. Nobody else is going to put the hard work in. That is down to you.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones