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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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Why Social Media is Good for Authors

Writers need avenues to showcase their literary abilities. They need a medium where they can expand their network and increase their readership. It is not easy to write for a living. It is more difficult when you have a limited network. Happily, social media can take care of your connections.

Here are some of the reasons why social media is recommended for writers:

Relationships: Social media is a great place to start relationships. Even people you don’t know or haven’t met in person can be your friend through social networking sites. There is a greater chance of finding people who share the same passions and you can find ways to connect to your fellow writers across the globe. Another good thing about social media is that you don’t need to get dressed up in order to meet people.

Perfect Avenue for the Shy: A good percentage of writers are shy. They don’t like going out and socializing with other people. Social media allows shy writers to still meet people from their inner circle even without the need to go out and meet the person upfront. Since there are those who find it hard to approach others, with the help of social media, other people get a chance to approach the shy writer first. When his network starts to grow, his confidence level also rises until he becomes ready to socialize for real.

Career Expansion: A writer will not be able to grow as a writer if he does not have a sufficient number of followers or fan base. Loyal fans or readers that a writer tends to accumulate through social media help to increase the chances of him being discovered by major sponsors, media and publishers who would want to take him as a business partner, resident writer or subject for an exclusive interview. This chance only comes rarely and social media makes it possible.

Connections: Aside from forming relationships, the connections that form with the aid of social networking sites are those which can last a long time. The writer can interact directly with his fans. If there are any comments or requests, the writer can immediately respond to his readers. If there is something that needs to be done, the writer can do it right away.

Increase traffic: Every time a writer posts content online, his followers and readers can immediately see it. If they liked what they are reading, they can re-tweet or share the information with their friends and other followers. This increases the chance of your blogs getting viewed online. More views generated towards your blog or website will enable the search engines to rate it highly on search results. If your blog or your page ranks highly, more people will be able to view it and steady traffic means steady income. Advertisements may be offered to you by popular companies and you will then be given a chance for a more successful writing career.