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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Why We Need Editors

As a freelance editor, I can confidently say that authors are the spawn of Satan. I'm joking, of course, but don't get me wrong, I’ve written stories before and I understand the attachment to one’s writing. The biggest disconnect between authors and editors is that editors understand what the author’s story needs and the author knows what they want.

Think of it this way: editors exist to aid in strengthening your skill as a writer.  

Terms like “light editing” and “heavy editing” might exist, but when you’re an author trying to make a profit and be a success those two terms should never escape your lips and should never be typed out as a complaint or suggestion to your editor. We know what we’re doing. We get paid to do it. The red marks on your manuscripts aren’t a criticism, they are suggestions and, most importantly, corrections. When you outright refuse this advice and reject this part of the writing process, you will find your reviews to be mostly mixed or negative. Worst case scenario, you might find no reviews at all because your writing is lacking and nobody is interested. If your writing is lacking no publisher will take your work. Publishers want to make money too and if they don’t think your book will rake in the cash, then you’ll face rejection. If you have self-published, good luck and remember to never take negative reviews as a personal attack; take them as suggestions to better your writing.  

Of course, this isn’t the case for all authors, but unless you’re Stephen King your writing won’t be nearly as good as you think it is. Don’t pull a Mark Twain and think too highly of your “masterpiece” because, at the end of the day, you might be wrong. Ever hear of a book called Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc? Well, neither have a lot of people, unless they’re huge fans of Twain or are literary buffs.

Twain went so far as to criticize a young boy for liking Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer so much that he said to the boy, “you shouldn’t read those books about bad boys. My best book is my Recollections of Joan of Arc.”

Even Stephen King had to edit and revise the first book in The Dark Tower series in 2003 (that’s about two decades after it was published) because he felt new readers would have a hard time being hooked. Afterward, he published it again and as a result, The Dark Tower series became even more popular, spawning a 2017 film adaption.

Your story might have a great concept, but if it is not executed properly then you won’t have a great book. This is where editors come in. Editors are like the Garra rufas of the literary industries. We nibble away at the unnecessary things plaguing your story and smoothen out your manuscript for you.

I know it doesn’t take away the fear of having your story altered, but you’ll need to figure out your priorities. Ask yourself “what is success?” Is it profit, popularity or simply to feel accomplished?

Therefore, if you’re a first-time writer seeking out an editor, have patience and confidence that they will get the job done. If you’re trying to make a career out of writing and if you’re trying to make money, always keep in mind that you are not quite writing for yourself anymore. You are writing for your target audience. There are editors for specific genres for a reason; it is because they know what the audience of that genre will like and how to connect your story with your readers.

Even I need an editor.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Justine Reyes

Jean M.

This was so helpful, thank you! uwu