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Why Write Nonfiction? (Part 2 of 2)

5) Grow your writing as a business

You can profit from a niche and grow it into different revenue streams. For example, let’s say you are writing an article about self-improvement in a no-nonsense approach coupled with a witty, idiosyncratic voice. It receives a good reception and it grows into a series. Then this series becomes a set of e-books. Then it extends to podcasts and webinars. You then start to offer an online course on self-improvement. And who knows? You might even become a traditionally published nonfiction author and climb the New York Times Bestseller chart.

6) Carve a niche and become an authority

Writing short or long nonfiction requires research. Thankfully, online resources have become an added bonus for researchers to find the information that they need. When necessary, this still needs to be accompanied by good old-fashioned interviews and fieldwork. Substantial research that goes into your nonfiction lends credibility to your work and establishes you as an expert. Quality has a way of paying you back and in this case, you land more writing gigs.

7) Profit from your passion

Do you like to post photos and write about your beadwork? Do you like collecting artifacts and blogging about them? Do you like to reach out to other stock traders? Any passion that you have can yield returns if you create a blog about it. In addition, you can reach out to like-minded individuals who share the same passion, so you can establish social interaction with people of similar interests. When your blog creates traffic, it can generate passive income.

8) Ghostwriting opportunities

Many people out there have story ideas, but they don’t know how to put it on paper. Ghostwriting services are not confined to writing fiction. People look for ghostwriters to write their memoirs, autobiographies, self-help, business, and other book ideas. Academic essays are becoming in-demand nonfiction pieces as well. If you wish to build a career in ghostwriting, you can begin by registering in a writing services platform as you establish your clients.

9) Contribute to an anthology and call for submissions

If you aren’t sure if you can create your own e-book or if you can sustain managing a blog, you can still create your publishing presence by contributing to anthologies and call for submissions. The Chicken Soup for the Soul series provides a venue for the freelance contribution of inspiring real-life stories. Other online publications like Narratively periodically announces calls for submissions for untold human stories where you can write and send your personal stories as well.

10)  Reach out and touch lives

This is an intangible reward that any nonfiction writer can reap. You inform, inspire, motivate, and provide value to your readers through the quality of your writing. If you were instrumental in solving a reader’s problem like helping them make solid decisions about a purchase or helped them take the time to assess their personal relationships, then you have done a great job. Should you choose to venture into nonfiction, then you may begin to spread value and continuously touch the lives of the people who will follow you.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado