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Why Writing Is Good For You

As a writer, how do I begin my day? I head for the Keurig! I could be wrong, but probably most writers start their days with either coffee or tea.

Then, I tidy up the bedroom. You, as a writer, probably make your bed. Right?

Then, I tidy up the office. You may or might not do this. But, what next?

I have more coffee.

I then search through email. This is a good thing to do as one can grab quite a few topics from their email. But then...

I have to get dinner thrown into the Crock-Pot to cook for me while I work.

Then, I throw a load in the laundry.

Experts say writing is good for you and to get started with your writing early in the morning, but how?

I am going to teach myself a few lessons.  Maybe you can learn also if you are like me!

The best way if you start writing early in the morning, is to write anything. Just get those good thoughts flowing. Did you have a good dream? How is that new diet you are on? A journal of any sort is worth it. Once that adrenaline is pumping, you can begin the mode of writing for money which we all need, right?  But what else is there for writers besides money?

I find myself communicating better. For example, elementary school kicks in when catching myself not using proper English. I attempt to fix my grammar like a pet peeve.

Then, I learn about so many things. Writers get paid to learn new things! Writing is like free education.

You get out all of that anxiety. Your mind shifts onto good things, unless, of course, you are writing about bad topics. I steer clear of bad topics, personally.

Writing keeps you in touch with others. Do you have a blog? Website? Email list? Even a personal letter to someone counts. Yet another form of communication. 

You get creative. Many people like to write poetry, greeting card verse, etc. Many people love prose. 

In university, I wrote a term paper on The Sun. You know...The Cave Allegory? Plato? I worked so hard on the paper. I seem to work better under stress. My advice to you? Do not give up. You just might work better under stress also. I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Pace yourself every day. Why stress yourself out? If you stress yourself out, your writing is going to be sloppy or careless. Think about how your writing is going to affect others. What would you like for them to learn from you? For example, how would you want a person to feel after reading one of your published greeting cards? You’d want them to feel happy, right? What did I learn from the Cave Allegory? I learned that the Sun is the Good! 

So, keep the coffee on. Then, at the end of the day, feel a sense of accomplishment that you made a difference in someone else’s life and your own. 



Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo