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Why You Should Continue to Write (Part 2 of 2)

You can write for posterity. Think of it this way: Many people think that the world is their oyster when in fact, the world doesn’t owe them anything. We are mere dots in this vast universe. When you die, the world will not stop for you. It will continue to revolve and move along with its affairs. This is proof enough that the world doesn’t care about you. It sounds painful, but the world can also give you a taste of immortality by leaving your mark in the works that you do. When you die and your unpublished works are discovered, the world will laud you for your genius. Your work will be translated into different languages. Universities will include your work for required reading. You will receive posthumous awards. If you don’t write, you get no taste of immortality, and you become just one of those unknown gravestones in the cemetery.

You can always prove them wrong. While rejections can be painful, they can serve as motivators as well. Many successful authors advise that you keep your rejection slips. In the event that you meet publishing success, you can always go back and read your rejections with a grin. That old adage about revenge being best served cold will ring true. Editors who once rejected you will start asking you for articles for their magazines or offer you a six-figure deal for your next novel.

The world needs storytellers. If you go back in history, no civilization ever survived without stories. A story is an inexpensive form of pleasure that takes us out of our boredom by transporting us into otherworldly places. Even if those imperious literary critics would beg to differ by saying that there is so much to hate in the world of contemporary literature, let the quality of your work speak for itself.

An author once said that asking what he feels about critics is like asking a lamppost what it feels about dogs. This kills me every time. Many writers have a love-hate relationship with literary critics. Other authors are notable critics themselves and write reviews on the work of other writers. They say that the opinions of popular critics will determine the success of a book. Whatever the case, don’t let yourself lose sleep if you get bad reviews. Critics make mistakes too.

It’s the little happy things that count. A little poetry can put a smile on your loved one’s face. An inspirational essay that will motivate a friend to face her fears is a lifesaver. Even a do-it-yourself instruction manual on how to build a computer table is priceless when it teaches someone to become a handyman. I have learned plenty of practical things just by reading books, magazine articles, and online content.

Granted that you decide to continue writing, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll win a Pulitzer or any literary award. Perhaps only the people you love will know about your gift, and that is fine. The fact that you have touched and enriched the lives of people around you is an intangible reward that can never be equated in monetary terms. Now you might say that you need to put food on your table. You can always write to earn. The Internet gold rush has opened more doors to writers to connect to those who need quality writing for their business.

Finally, you will continue to write because you want to, not because you have to.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado