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Why you should Never Quit on your Writing Goals - Part 1

We all have those moments when we doubt ourselves and our capabilities, when we question whether we are on the right path, when we face obstacles and the idea of quitting is alluring. Still, we wonder what we could achieve if our dreams come true. We wonder whether we should keep at it and maybe we will get to where we have always wanted to be. Though you may encounter struggles along the way, there are reasons you should continue working towards your dreams as a writer. Whatever you have set your mind to do, whether it is writing that book that you have been postponing, getting published or writing for a particular site, here are some reasons you should keep working towards your dream.

You never know how close you could be

Sometimes, we give up too soon. We lose sight of the dream that we hold so tightly in our hearts. We concentrate on the obstacles and fail to see the breakthrough that could be lying ahead. A common image on social media of a man digging for treasure who gives up just moments before he strikes gold comes to mind as I write this point.

In our current times, we are more likely to compare ourselves to others as we try to keep up with them. We do not know their story and we also do not know how long it could have taken them to get to where they are. We are caught up in a race to fit in or outdo the next person. Habits such as these cause us to doubt ourselves and ultimately give up before we get to our ultimate goal.

You will eventually get there

One way of pushing forward and not quitting is keeping the end goal in your mind and refusing to stop in the middle. You can create a vision board and state clearly where you want to be. The more you fix your eyes on the end and not let the challenges deter you, the more likely you will get to the end. Think of challenges that you may encounter beforehand and come up with ways such as having a slogan that you can stick to when things do not turn out the way you would want them to.

As you work on the bigger goal, notice smaller developments that you have been able to attain. Enjoy the process even as you move forward and refrain from only noticing the negative aspects of your journey. Make the journey meaningful and note down what you have learned, what you should improve on and what you are getting right. Though it is easier to focus on the challenges, it is only by being optimistic that you will eventually get to the end.

During this process is when you forge new friendships, new habits, go to new places or discover new ways of doing things. It is a time to be treasured not only for what lies ahead but what you encounter at every phase of the process.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu