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Why You Should Never Quit on your Writing Goals - Part 2

Success is validating

Think of when you worked so hard for something and, despite what the naysayers said, you finally got it. Remember the feeling of fulfillment that you felt when you got to the end? Success is the validating phase of a difficult process where you prove everyone who discouraged you wrong. You prove to them that your dreams are valid and were valid even before you began working towards them. Success also justifies the effort you put into achieving your dream. So do not quit because, when everything falls into place and you finally get hold of that dream, you will look back at every obstacle and challenge you encountered with fondness.

You need to get to the end

All of us have that one thing that we feel passionate about. Most of the time, we are better at it than the average person but talent still needs to be nurtured. We are ready to put in endless hours working to perfect it and become masters in it. We do not mind the failures (well, maybe a little) as long as the dream is kept alive. Despite what anyone says, we know the path we should follow. If you are passionate about writing and the dream to become a good if not great writer has stayed with you for a while, quitting on your dream will mean years of always wondering what if? What if I had stuck with it a while longer? What if I could have ignored the little voice that kept telling me I would never get there? What if I had finished that book despite the long hours I would have had to work on it? Where could I be if I had never quit writing?

Endurance breeds persistence

As you work towards your dream, ups and downs will occur. The way you handle challenges during this period will determine how you will withstand the hurdles while working on your next dream. If you keep on quitting, you will never learn persistence which is a life-long trait that you will need in other areas of your life. When you encounter challenges and stick to your path, you become better at endurance and you learn to persevere until you get to where you want to be. When you are working on a different dream, you will be more accustomed to fighting your way through to get what you want.

Other people who look up to you are also watching and if you give up you might give them the idea that it is okay to take the easy way out. When they see your persistence, they will be encouraged to follow their own dreams and not give up, despite what they may be up against.

Like many other professions, writing has its ups and downs but if it is your passion, pursuing it and not giving up will serve you better than giving up. Even if you fail, you will learn and you will not have to live with the nagging question of what if for the rest of your life.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu