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Why You Should Write

Like many other art forms, writing is inspired by different reasons and it comes with various benefits. One of the most straightforward and common reasons for writing is that it is an avenue for expression. Through writing, there is the possibility of sharing your story and working with people sometimes in their thousands and millions. Seeing your work impact people’s lives and their views is one of the most fulfilling aspects of writing. Consider works written by William Shakespeare and the many generations of people spanning various cultures and age groups that they have impacted. Even though my work may not reach hundreds, thousands or millions, I have learned to derive joy from encouraging, inspiring and touching people’s lives through writing.

I recently read Whitney Dineen’s chick lit novel, Relatively Normal, a book that is full of humor and many comical elements, which brings us to the second reason that anyone should consider when writing. If you have the ability to entertain, make people laugh, capture people’s interest through your conversations, this could translate into writing great books. Humor is only one way of creating an enticing story. Other elements like creating scenes, developing riveting action and such similar features can prove that you are a great writer. If you are a great entertainer, you should consider translating your work into written form and who knows, you might find that many more people love your stories.

Through writing, you can experience life through your characters. As you create them you are able to engage and think through various experiences from another person’s point of view. Writing helps you take another look into other people’s behavior and defining characteristics. You become more accepting and less judgemental by understanding people’s flaws and where they stem from. Basically, you are pulled out of your own life into another world you may have never seriously considered. Writing opens up your mind to new ideas, ways and adventures.

Writing is also therapeutic. It allows the writer a healthy way of working through their emotions and feelings. Whether it is a traumatic event or just mere frustration, writing the event down helps in overcoming the built up negative feelings. This is mostly viewed in memoirs and similar forms of writing. Creating stories that speak out against a particular vice or inappropriate actions is also a proactive and much more constructive way of dealing with an issue non-violently. It is important to note that the story in such a case should be objective and non-insulting. Free speech has its limits too.

Writing helps your communication skills. By expressing yourself on paper, you build your ability to converse with other people. You learn possible conversation starters and also how to keep your listener engaged. You also become a better listener who is attentive to people, the words that they use, their body language and other characteristics. Writing is another form of learning.

Whatever drives you to write, keep at it as there are many benefits to be derived.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu