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Writing Blog Posts – The Why, What, How

Look at any number of blog posts and you will notice something many have in common – they talk directly about the blog topic. Let’s say that you are reviewing a piece of software for your blog topic; the details, a description of the software and its features are the main points of your post and, while there is nothing wrong with this, it would perhaps be better to raise the curiosity levels of your readers before talking directly about your topic. This is where the Why, What, How rule of blog posts comes in – it triggers off an action mechanism, making your readers want to carry on with your article. Let’s start by looking at three scenarios:

A post that talks just about software;

A post that talks about the software and how it’s used;

A post that talks about daily problems you face, how the software can solve those problems and then how to use it.

Which one do you choose? Which one is a decision maker? Most would go for 2 or 3 and that is down to the rule.


The Why is all about creating the requirement, about telling a reader why they need this piece of software over what they already use and are happy with. Somewhere in those first few lines, you should be telling your readers why they need this software, what it can do for them. You can even use your blog title to explain some of this.


You created the demand for a product with the first part of your blog post. Now you need to sell it to your readers. Provide all the relevant information which tells readers all about the product and makes them want it. By the end of this part, they must understand exactly what the product can do for them.


This is where many bloggers fail to go in for the kill; they forget to explain how to use the product or they explain it badly. This is the action bit of your blog. Writing about the product is one thing, but your readers want to know how to use this; if you don’t give them instructions, they won't bother. Use images and videos where you can because they are an easy visual how-to tutorial; when the reader begins using the product, it will all seem very familiar to them.

This rule is not rocket science; it is simply common sense, a tried and tested formula that works and will bring you the results you desire. Some bloggers forget the first part and jump straight into the what and the how. The why is the most important part – it is the first brick in the building, the foundation that holds the rest of the post together. If you struggle to get all three parts of the rule into one post, start with the Why and get as far with the What as you can; you can always write another post to cover the How.



Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds