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Writing From Home? How to Make it Work - Part 1

The first time I transitioned from a full-time job to working from home was truly liberating. But with freedom comes…you guessed it, tons of responsibilities! I began sleeping in and waking up around mid-morning and within a few hours it would be dark again and I would have very little work done. Then came the inconsistent income when revenue would be delayed and the bills would keep coming. I was in utter disarray until I developed a rhythm through purposeful planning.

If you are planning to work as a freelancer by switching from a consistent job, arm yourself with information on how best you can make the home experience work for you. Many people have different experiences. Find out what works for you and what does not. For instance, when I quit and decided to work from home, I had read about how important it is to wake up in the wee hours of the morning and retire earlier to bed. I wish this could be my story, but unfortunately, I am not a morning person. In addition, I survive on seven hours of sleep. Less than these, I will be scantly productive. On the contrary, when I get a full night of sleep, I will be punching my keyboard the next day with added vigor.

Plans are important. Not very stringent ones though. The problem of a restrictive plan with very high goals is that you soon get frustrated and you throw the entire plan away. A simple breakdown works for me. Planning will help you in maximizing your income and also give you a rough idea of your earnings per week or day. You also get a lot done. Discipline is a partner to planning. You do not want splendid plans with no execution. As you plan, also slot in short periods of relaxation (perhaps a power nap - note nap, it is not bedtime yet) that will help you be more productive in the long run.

Take note of weekly and monthly bills as well as day to day expenses and plan your income around them. Sometimes the income streams are not consistent and they may take time to mature. Other times, the income floods in with no bills in sight. Matching your income to your expenses will save you from added stress and sporadic expenditure. Another aspect that is also important is planning your savings. You still need to save. A good idea is allocating your initial income to savings so that even when you spend later in the month, you will have the reassurance of a back-up that you have already set up.

Have a relatively consistent routine. Wake up and sleep around the same time, depending on your body and physical needs. This way your body will get accustomed to a schedule and you will have better chances of success when planning your work. This will also help you switch off when necessary so that you do not end up getting completely burned out.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu