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Writing How You Speak

Most of the time, I tend to be a proper English kind of gal when writing. This habit stems from elementary school. Kids would use slang which I still don't understand what they meant. I grew up wanting to be a lawyer. Life took a wrong direction. So, I could not. I have always liked to write and read. But, I like to keep it clean. Nothing trashy or vulgar. Write about something you are passionate about. For example, I like writing book reviews about children’s books.

What am I getting at? I am getting at the habit of writing how you speak, of making it easy for people to understand and relate to you.

Say you are a speechwriter for a politician. Would you not want to sway the constituents with a speech that all could understand or in political flyers being distributed to them?

Are you going to create a new cover letter and resume? Use that power of persuasion. Win over that potential employer without being stuffy. Show those potential employers that their clients can relate to you. Show you are friendly.

What is a good example of writing how you speak you ask? The everyday things that you blog every day.

Practice to a family member or friend to find out if your writing is understandable. 

Why be like everybody else? Make yourself unique. You are probably going to be remembered and stand out from the crowd. Do you have a slogan? My motto is You Only Grow If You Want To.

Not every person has a university education. Write to the common man or woman. Something I now use and took me a while to do is use the word “Yay”. How about you? There is one pet peeve of mine and that is when people say “Ya”, such as “How are ya?” 

I have a personal favorite when it comes to writing as she speaks. Her name is Joyce Meyer, of Joyce Meyer Ministries. She has over 100 books in print. I am of the Roman Catholic faith and cannot understand most of what a priest writes. When I read a Joyce Meyer book, I understand the Bible and prayers. I like Joyce Meyer’s books so much, that I have read her book Look Great Feel Great six times. I have a personal collection of her books on my bookshelf. Have you ever found a writer that just clicks with you? She, Joyce Meyer, simply writes how she speaks! 

So, don’t make it harder than it is. I really don’t think a thesaurus is needed. Do you?

I bet if you start writing how you speak, you are probably going to be noticed more than you already are. I hope you get that job you have been wanting so badly. 

You can do it! You’ve got this! Good luck. Make a few revisions here and there. Then, get that bad boy out! Oh yeah, just don’t write “Ya”. Write on!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo