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Writing Places: Cruise Ships

When it comes to writing, many writers have a specific place that they prefer to do their writing. Some writers use a home office while others prefer an Internet cafe or coffee shop; then there are others who prefer the more natural writing environment of a park or beach. The two main reasons for choosing a writing place are generally comfort\usability and inspiration. The problem with always using the same writing place is that it eventually starts to lose its ability to provide inspiration over time. This can cause a writer to seek either a new place of writing or a new place of inspiration. There are multiple temporary writing places that have been found to inspire writers. One often overlooked place of writing and inspiration is on cruise ships.

Many people do not think about cruise ships as a place to gain inspiration, but they are in fact one of the best places for inspiration. A cruise ship has places for relaxation, fun, and quiet that can allow a writer to not only find inspiration, but also relax and write in peace. 


The spa is a great spot for a writer to kick back and experience the pampering that he or she needs to relax and rejuvenate their mind and body for some serious writing. Beyond that, the spa can also be an area of inspiration as a writer can meet many people from around the world to act as inspiration for characters. The environment of the spa could also inspire a location for a book or scene.


The pool is a great spot to write, people watch for character inspiration, and observe for setting creation. The pools on a cruise ship are generally all different; there are kids only pools, baby pools, adults only pools, water slide pools, and more. A writer could easily gain inspiration from these many pools for a specific setting or for the creation of a new setting or world.

Excursions and Off Boat Experiences

The excursions, ports, and off boat experiences make for great inspiration for plots, settings, and characters. There are all sorts of things that can inspire a writer, from simple people interactions to in depth excursions.


All cruise ships have different shows that range from comedy, to kids, to musicals, and each one is filled with costumes, people, and music that can inspire a scene, a plot, or a setting.

Bars and Restaurants 

Bars and restaurants are great places to not only write, but also people watch. A writer can easily witness all sorts of different interactions, languages, and of course, different types of food are readily available.


The library is a great spot to get some writing in as it provides a quiet and calm atmosphere that is perfect for writing. The library generally has desks or tables that are set up near outlets so that a writer can not only have a bit of personal writing space, but can also plug in their laptop, phone, and/or tablet.

Behind the Scenes Tour

The behind the scenes tour is a must-do tour for any writer considering a cruise ship as a setting for a book or novel as it provides an in depth look at how the ship operates and the reality behind the cruise staff.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke