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Writing Places: Parks

There are multiple temporary writing places that have been found to inspire writers. One often overlooked place of writing and inspiration is the park. Most people think of parks mainly as places for children, sports players, joggers, and dog walkers. In doing so, they neglect thinking of parks as places of writing, even though they have almost everything a writer needs. Here are some reasons why this is so. When it comes to writing, many writers have a specific place where they prefer to do their writing. Some writers use a home office while others prefer an internet cafe or coffee shop; then there are others who prefer the more natural writing environment of a park or beach. The two main reasons for choosing a writing place are generally comfort\usability and inspiration. The problem with always using the same writing place is that it eventually starts to lose its ability to provide inspiration over time. This can cause a writer to seek either a new place of writing or a new source of inspiration. 

Setting Inspiration

If you are planning to use a park as a setting in your book, then the park is the perfect place to craft your setting as the inspiration is all around you. You can easily take inspiration from the design of the park itself, the resources of the park (children’s play areas, dog park, jogging trail, sports courts, etc.), and the way that people make use of the park. When you create your own setting, you might add or detract things from the park you are writing at while also changing the layout. However, the way that people use the park and interact with each other can provide invaluable information for describing your park scenes .

Character Inspiration

Parks generally attract a diverse crowd of people, especially on the weekends during nice weather. The numerous people that go to the park can be used as character inspiration for both main characters as well as background characters. You could even take it a step further and get to know some of the people that attend the park through small talk, joining a club or group that meets at the park, passing out surveys or questionnaires, and/or telling people about your writing and asking for their opinion.

Writing Place

The park can also just be a nice place to write, regardless of character or setting inspiration, as most parks have benches and tables that allow writers to enjoy the outdoors while also having a place to write. Bigger parks also often have more secluded areas where a writer can enjoy a bit of quiet or places in the middle of the park where the hustle and bustle can be embraced.

Lack of Resources

In today’s modern world, most writers type their work on a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet and not on paper. The requirement of electronics for the writing process leads to the only drawback of writing at a park, which is the lack of outlets to plug in with. However, this lack is easily remedied with power banks and by fully charging your device before going to the park.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke