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Writing Preparation: Getting Ready To Write Your First Book

Writing Preparation: Getting Ready To Write Your First Book

Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, the basic key to writing a successful book is all in the preparation. How you prepare for the project will determine whether you finish the book and how successful it turns out to be. As an aspiring author, this preparation will determine whether you turn into a published author or not.

There are some key elements in the preparation stage that every author, new or experienced, must adhere to before embarking on the writing journey.

Mental preparation: This is the key to success. How prepared your mind is for the task ahead will determine how smoothly the task will go, and if you will even have the capacity, passion, and patience to finish the book. Many times, aspiring authors dive into writing their first book, thinking that they are ready, only to discover fifty pages down the road that they were not at all ready. Many will find themselves struggling and most will even abandon the book after wasting all their time. Even the most experienced of authors reach a point in the course of writing when they feel like giving up. This is why you need to prepare your mind for such moments. Mental readiness gives you the courage and patience to endure and overcome such moments.

Research: Research, research, and even more research - this is your key to successfully completing your first novel and all the subsequent ones. The more research the better. Whatever you are writing, never assume that you know enough to dive in without research. It does not matter whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction. You must always carry out research before embarking on your writing journey. Even when you are writing on a topic on which you have ample knowledge, you will still need to research things like target audience to determine the best way to reach them. Many times, people start writing books, only to discover along the way that they do not have enough information on the topic or that they are actually targeting the wrong audience. In this case, one will either have start all over again or abandon the book altogether.

Physical preparation: Whatever form of writing you are doing, make sure that you have a proper place in which to do it. Whether you are going to write from the comfort of your home or in a designated place outside the home, make sure your writing space is comfortable. A conducive writing environment includes such things like actual writing space such as a room in your home, comfortable furniture, a place with minimal distractions, and other writing essentials like a computer and stationery.

Time: Make sure that you have enough time to focus on the writing. Set targets on how long you are going to take to finish the book, and then break this down into how many hours you need to dedicate, say every week, to your writing. Knowing that you have to spend a specific number of hours weekly on the book helps you fight procrastination. 

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Faridah Nassozi