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Writing Tutorial for Beginners (Part 1 of 2)

Writing is a discipline that will remain in demand until Judgment Day. Writing events, personal stories, and documents are indispensable tools for reference because, in order for civilization to get a better grasp of where it wants to go, it must learn from the successes and mistakes of the past and present. Whether a student chooses to take writing as a profession or not, he must begin to acquire a good grasp of writing fundamentals early in his student life. This ensures that he will have an edge in handling writing tasks in adulthood, whether it be a simple email or detailed documentation. However, the learning paces of students vary. Some are fast learners while others lag behind, and this is one of the problems in traditional writing class settings. Students who are not quick to grasp the rules of basic usage are not given enough time as a certain timetable in the syllabus has to be followed.  This is not the teacher’s fault as the classroom scenario often does not give them enough time to pay special attention to each student. Moreover, the writing process requires careful critiquing and the participation of parents in the progress of their child can prove constructive or destructive.

But why should we encourage young students to develop their writing skills? Consider these advantages:

They will have a better handle on the written language and understand how word formation works.

They become prepared for any standardized tests especially SAT and English proficiency requirements like IELTS or TOEFL.

It boosts their college entrance performance especially when it comes to writing requirements like admission essays.

Better job opportunities await young people with a good handle on the English language.

Their critical thinking is complemented by articulation.

They become excellent communicators throughout the course of their lives.

Like any other skill where you invest in your child to advance, writing provides intangible rewards that are well worth the time and effort. Nowadays, students are no longer confined to physical attendance in cram schools, specialized academies, and one on one home tutorials. Many online writing tutorials offer the best deals and parents can take their time to peruse and do a background check on any of these services before signing up their child.

The common question among parents is which online school is right for their child. Here is a little checklist to consider to help pick the best online writing tutorial service:

1) What is your child’s level? If he is a beginner, go with a tutorial that covers the fundamentals such as basic parts of speech, sentence structure, and then gradually working on paragraph and essay writing.

2) Check their roster of instructors. What are their backgrounds or work experience?

3) Do they follow a comprehensive structure in teaching students how to write?

A good online writing school can help achieve a student’s short and long-term goals in honing his written communication skills. Most online writing schools are cost-effective, but if you feel that your child can better maximize the learning experience through a live one on one interaction, you can opt for writing academies and centers or a writing instructor that provides a home tutoring service.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado