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Zimbabwean Legends

You can write your unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. Researching myths and legends in other cultures will help you to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that have some unique and old mythical creatures is Zimbabwe. This is a landlocked country located in southern Africa and is well known for its diverse wildlife and its dramatic landscapes.

Nyaminyami the River God

Nyaminyami the River God is believed to live in Lake Kariba. It is thought that Nyaminyami has the body of a giant snake and the head of a fish. Most believe that Nyaminyami is more than three meters wide and there is no current guess on the length of his massive body as it is too massive for anyone to see all of it at once. Legend states that Nyaminyami the River God leaves a trail of red stained water in his wake when he swims. Nyaminyami used to be seen more often, but according to Chief Sampakaruma, the River God has been in hiding since white men entered the country. During Nyaminyami's more active period, the creature was known for sucking unwary people in canoes down into deep whirlpools. These victims were never seen again and some theorize that they were either sustenance for the River God or that they had angered the creature in some manner.  

Ambuya Nehanda

Ambuya Nehanda is believed to be a spirit of freedom, due to the fact that she had escaped death numerous times. It was believed that she had a small packet that allowed her to escape from death as long as it remained clutched tight in her hands. When trickery stole the packet away from her, she was hanged and died. There are others, however, that believe that Ambuya Nehanda was not in fact killed, but instead that the woman that Ambuya Nehanda was possessing was killed and that the spirit of freedom still lives on.

The Master of Deception

The Master of Deception is a figure in myth believed to be the spirit of Gwasela, who was known for never accepting the election that gave Zanu PF the leadership of the country. In life, Gwasela was seen as something of a Rambo with how he would terrorize those he opposed while still being able to blend seamlessly with crowds in order to never miss a soccer match. In death, Gwasela was said to become The Master of Deception and that he could aid those with a righteous aim in being able to escape the notice of those hunting them.

Mysterious Mount Nyanga

Mysterious Mount Nyanga is, in fact, the highest known mountain in Zimbabwe. However, the myth surrounding Mount Nyanga is that it is alive or possessed by a spirit that can cause people who walk on it to vanish without a single trace. Some believe that Mount Nyanga kills those who speak against it or its people. Others believe that Mount Nyanga devours the life force of those who speak ill of it in order to sustain the spirit of Mount Nyanga. Many believe that Mount Nyanga has a particular taste for children as many have vanished on Mount Nyanga.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke