Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Creative Journal Keeping

Keeping a creative writing journal is something that most people in the writing world keep. It is not a journal of your everyday thoughts, that is something of a different nature. A creative journal is where you spend your time creating stories, ideas and building...

How to Start Writing

Writing may seem and sound like an easy thing to do, especially when you have never tried it. Many people have had plans or ambitions to write, but they have not written not a single word to date. You must be wondering how so? I...

9 Reasons Reading Makes You A Better Fiction Writer

Most writers have received this advice: To be a better writer, you need to read a lot. But you think it is better to spend more time writing. Writing more seems so more efficient, right? Let's look at this suggestion and discover if and how reading...

Make Sure You and Your Editor are on the Same Page

Two of my writing axioms are “every writer needs an editor” and “every editor needs an editor.” The meaning of the first axiom is obvious, the second one less so. I mean that editors make mistakes, too. One mistake they may make is not to be...

Nonfiction Writers: Use Approaches to Create an Outline

If you write nonfiction, you may want to create an outline before you begin to write. There are several advantages to doing so. It will help you to write quickly. You'll have a blueprint so you'll know where you're going. You’ll break the big job of writing your...

How To Prepare To Write Your Autobiography

Unlike a memoir where the writer shares only a particular part of his life, an autobiography is a person's life story. It needs careful planning to ensure that it covers all the essential highlights in your life and shares your perceptions, thoughts, and emotions so...

Round and Flat Characters In Writing

Characters are one of the most important aspects of a narrative. The plot wraps around characters, and decisions made by them push the story forward.  Although there are several character archetypes, in a broad sense, characters are divided into two types: Round characters and Flat characters....

Northrop Frye's Archetypal Criticism

An archetype is a recurring narrative design, character types, themes, or objects seen in the literature. Archetypes are used, reused, and at times overused. They have been passed from generation to generation, and even though they might be molded to fit the appropriate world, they...

Memoirs: How To Tell A Powerful Story

So, you want to share your story because you believe it can help others. But how do you write your memoir to evoke strong emotions and convey your message? A critical part of a memoir is always to tell the truth - but as seen...

How To Write A Book Review

A book review is the analysis of a book. It includes the summary, plot points, characters, strengths, and weaknesses of the story. It views the story through a critical lens to give an unbiased opinion on the themes, writing, and positive or negative aspects. It...