Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Living a Writer’s Life

So you want to be a writer but there’s more to it than churning out one book. Living a writer’s life is not easy but you can do it if you follow these tips: A Professional Writer Writes – A Lot You must have very disciplined habits,...

Increase Your Ghostwriting Business

Ghostwriting can be an incredibly fruitful business provided you know where to find the work. If you want to be a ghostwriter or you’ve had a taste of it and want more, there are loads of places where you can find the work. Here are...

6 Steps to Proofreading an Article

Blogging, writing, its all about having the freedom to write when and where you want but that’s not what this is about – this is about proofreading what you have written properly. Picture it. You’ve worked all the hours God sends to meet your deadline; your...

Creating a Community Cookbook

Community cookbooks can be a great deal of fun to create but cookbooks are not easy; they are complex and they take time, even with the input from others. There is a way to go about creating community cookbooks and if you follow these steps,...

11 Effective Tips to Boost your Article Writing Skills - Part 2

Once you have digested the tips in the first part of this mini-series, you can read on for the last few tips to help you improve your article writing skills. Go With the Flow Of your thoughts. You need to do this if you want content that...

11 Effective Tips to Boost your Article Writing Skills - Part 1

Writing articles is a real art and not everyone can do it. However, when you read some of the blogs on the internet these days, many people give it a go without a thought for quality – and it shows. But if you really want...

How to Become a Ghostwriter

Maybe you are writing your own book and have come to a halt; you need more bottom line to help you get started again. Or maybe ghostwriting is your business. More and more people – bloggers, consultants, speakers, even doctors - are relying on ghostwriters...

Creative Writing 101 – Part 1

Creative writing is more than just passing on information to a reader; it’s about the expression of thoughts, of emotions and of feelings too, and tends to be aimed at fiction writing, although it can be used for non-fiction and poetry. Think about some novels...

Creative Writing 101 Part 2

Welcome back, in part 2 we’ll be looking at some tips and tricks to help get your creative writing off to a good start. Stretch your muscles – figuratively speaking. If you are struggling for ideas, go and do something else; housework, gardening, go for a...

Fatality: Writing About Physical Combat

Have you ever seen Kill Bill? If you have you’ve probably watched the Bride and Gogo’s throw down. It was, to say the very least, one tastefully action-packed scene. But how do you translate a scene like that on paper? To tell you the truth,...