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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

All About Archetype

Think about the characters you love in your favorite sequels, series, or novels. What did you love most about them? I can tell you were quick to say “their roles in the story.” These roles are the same reasons why we have heroes, villains, and...

Understanding Anacoluthon: Meaning, Usage and Examples

Some rhetorical devices appear unfamiliar but are frequent in everyday language. Anacoluthon is one of them, a stylistic device that interrupts a grammatical sequence. In literary writing, this device displays language style employed in streams of consciousness and depicts thoughts and regular conversations. In this...

What is Adynaton? Meaning, Usage and Examples

Adynaton is common in everyday conversation. We use it to create humor or show how serious we are. In literature, this literary device helps writers express intense emotions and emphasize an idea. In this article, we analyze adynaton, its usage, and examples. What is adynaton? Adynaton is...

Do You Want To Be A Writer Or An Author?

A writer is a person that writes, regardless of the format they use. It can be a book, short story, novella, blog post, web content, etc. Thus, any blogger, journalist, ghostwriter, screenwriter, etc. using the writing process, is a writer, regardless of whether their work...

Writing in Negative Spaces

A negative or alternative space is a place in which you feel uncomfortable or not yourself. It is a space where you are going through something hard or something out of your control, and yet you are creative. Take me for example; I was in a...

Explore the Meaning, Significance and Examples of Zoomorphism

Zoomorphism is a literary device that gives animal-like qualities to things that aren't animals, such as gods, humans, and inanimate objects. This literary device is popular, employed in similes, metaphors, and imagery to create evocative descriptions for readers. In this article, we examine the meaning,...

What is Tmesis? Types, Rules and Examples

Tmesis is originally a Greek word, which means “to cut.” This rhetorical device involves breaking down a phrase or word into two parts with another word or phrase. A good example is "abso-freaking-lutely," or "Get the hell out." In this article, we examine the unique qualities of this...

What's Self-deprecation?

Have you ever heard of self-deprecation? Before you start thinking about your answer, I’ll give you an example to help you relate quickly. Now you remember how much people who didn’t know how to play football were mocked in junior school and high school. Assume you...

Understanding Tautology: Definition, Function and Example

Tautology is a literary device involving using different synonymous words in a sentence. This language usage can be redundant in writing. But writers often use it to create emphatic and rhythmic effects, permitted as poetic license. In this article, we explain various types of tautology...

What is Synecdoche? Meaning, Types, Functions and Examples

Synecdoche is a literary device that is commonplace in everyday conversation. When you say, "Can I buy you a glass?" That's a synecdoche. It refers to using a part of something to refer to the whole or vice versa. In literature, it creates rhythmic, artistic,...