Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Writing in English Might Be Harder Than You Think

You’ve probably seen the mugs and t-shirts that quote (or misquote) the much-used memory tool from an earlier generation: “i before e except after c”. Which is weird, when you think of it. Why? Because the rule falls flat instantly when you consider words like:...

To Review or Not To Review

Without reading the book, one way to tell whether the book is well written or not is to read a review of the book. This is why a book review has an influence on the sale of the book. This is also why so many...

How to Start Your Own Writers’ Critique Group

Several articles on this site offer excellent advice about attending writers’ groups. This article doesn’t duplicate that information. Rather, it offers a suggestion for those who can’t find a suitable group to attend—start your own. Founding a group may be time consuming and labor intensive,...

How to Tighten your Writing

Good writing is tight writing. Or we might say . . . Tight writing is good writing. Either way, the best writing wastes no words and contains no unnecessary information. That is, it’s tight. Here are two examples of writing that is not tight. See if you can decipher...

What is Spiritual Writing?

Humans have been blessed with numerous spiritual writings for decades if not for centuries. Where do these spiritual writings come from? What is spiritual writing? While spiritual writing can be in the form of an article, an essay, a paper, or a letter, this article...

The Five Types of Sources, and Why They Matter

All writing requires research. Some writers might think, “Wait. I write fiction. I don’t need to conduct research because I’m making up everything.” But even fiction writers need to be accuracy, otherwise, they lose credibility. For example, if a novel is set in 1978, a...

Describing the Environment

One of the challenges authors face is managing to introduce the reader into the world they are describing without any image to help them. If not taken into account, it could make the reader detach from your story. Here are some tips for drawing your...

What Are Your Fears About Writing?

Are you afraid to write? Or just afraid to share what you do write? Afraid someone will laugh at you? Or, worse, sue you? We all have these fears. And more. When I write my creative nonfiction stories, mostly family stories, I worry that someone in...

How to Work With Compound Subjects and Their Verbs

You know that subjects and verbs must agree in number. Thus, this is correct:      The president is heading to Camp David for the weekend. The singular subject, president, agrees in number with the singular verb is. That’s simple enough, but confusion may arise if too...

How to Handle the Problem of “He and She”

A perennial problem for writers is how to handle the third person singular pronoun when gender is unknown. An example is:      When emailing an editor, you can usually address him by his first name. The trouble with that sentence is that it excludes female editors....