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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

The End

You’ve written your last word. Your novel has reached a satisfying resolution. With great flourish, you write (or type): The End. Center stage, those words have some meaning to you, the author. It means you’ve finally done it! You’ve written your novel from beginning to...

Tone and Mood in Prose

Every situation in your story has a different feel to it, and this is what is known in creative writing as the tone and mood. The tone and mood of your prose should always be compatible with the situation that you describe. When we talk...

Dialogue and Narration

Readers pick up a novel to be entertained, to temporarily escape from the mundane, to enter a world where they can enjoy the escapades of a formidable hero, and to empathize with his laughter and tears. Readers are concerned with twists and plots and they...

Okay!!! Let’s Add … More Punctuation….

In the beginning, supposedly before it all happened, one might assume there were merely commas and periods and question marks. Not much else. But…. What about??? The repetitive nature of all of these wonderful markings? And! Why not a few exclamation marks to make your point! And…....

The Self-Doubting Writer

It can be depressing to be negative all the time. Life can be unfair, but then the world doesn’t owe us anything. A simple existential observation of life’s unpredictable events can be summed up in two words: Shit happens. This weighs upon our shoulders even more when...

Authenticity in Dialogue

Authentic dialogue should not be confined to reporting speech as it is spoken. People are either timid or ramble when they speak. They are not always direct when they speak. When two people are engaged in a one on one dialogue, the writer must take...

Larger than Life Heroes

Books, films, and television are saturated by heroes and heroines. These characters possess attributes that go beyond realistic dimensions. Most of them don’t die, especially when they are featured as the protagonist in a popular series. No matter how insurmountable the odds are, they emerge...

What Motivates Your Character?

Captain Ahab is determined to exact revenge on a whale that bit off his leg. Fantastic Mr. Fox steals food from three ruthless farmers to save his family and friends. Yossarian walks backward to make certain that no one will sneak up on him from...

On Letting Family and Friends Read Your Work

No matter how solitary the writing profession can be, every writer needs moral support. That support is an extrinsic motivation that they need to keep going, an assurance that the world will be waiting to read the story that they have been putting their blood,...

Your Characters' Identifying Traits

Memorable characters have identifying characteristics that make them unique, and these identifying traits must be sustained throughout the story. Think of the snarky Severus Snape, the resentful Holden Caulfield, the vengeful Captain Ahab, and the repressed Dr. Henry Jekyll. Your character’s traits can be modified by...