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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Applying Moral Pressure on Characters

Major characters, the protagonist and the antagonist, are at the opposite poles of the plot that creates tension and conflict. The protagonist is expected to be heroic or admired. However, if he needs to earn the love of readers, he will have to perform a...

The Art of Personification

The sun can smile rather than shine, and a breeze can sigh rather than blow. Personification, giving inanimate things human characteristics, provokes a reader’s imagination and awakens his senses. Giving objects human attributes can wake a reader up to the unique within the ordinary. Everyday things...

When to Show and When to Tell

Although “show, don’t tell” has become a cardinal rule in the writing community, feelings remain divided. Is it really more challenging to describe than to simply put the right adjective? Does showing instead of telling encourage writers to exercise their brain muscles in evoking sensory...

Avoiding Stereotypes in Writing

Years ago, stereotyping in fiction was very common, and readers accepted them without question. Stereotypes, therefore, are nothing new. An emperor in his empire, a lawyer in a courtroom, a detective in a crime scene, a prostitute in the streets—every known character and profession has...

Why You Need to Dream of Greatness

Writers as artists are often perceived as an eccentric lot. They view things from a more imaginative perspective and their inner lives are far from average. This eccentricity is what helps them keep going, especially when the going gets tough. Writers who tackle full-length novels do...

The Purpose of Environmental Details

Environmental details are not shown merely for local color or effect. It has other relevant purposes such as a) establishing the relevance of the time period; b) giving a concrete setting where characters can perform their existential roles; c) allowing the writer to create a world...

Words That Aren’t Words – Or Are They?

You think a word sounds good and you want it in your story. But is it really a word? Does it matter? It is, after all, your story. But, then again, if the made-up word you want to use only makes sense to you, then...

Show, Don't Tell

Anyone who has ever looked up any writing advice must have heard or read the widely spread saying "show, don't tell". It is everywhere and yet, somehow, is one of the most overlooked points in novels. I know there are thousands of articles on this...

Rules for Series Characters

Sherlock Holmes. Harry Potter. Nancy Drew. Tom Ripley. What do they have in common? They are series characters who are completely developed as they are distinctly identifiable by their physical, psychological, and emotional characteristics. Can you imagine if the authors who created these popular heroes...

Character Aging in the Passage of Time

In a novel, especially an epic saga, time plays an important part in the formation and growth of characters. How time takes its toll on a character’s physical change must be skillfully demonstrated or the passing of time will be unnoticeable and unconvincing. Example: The story...