Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Developing Good Writing Habits

For some writers, writing feels like having homework every day for the rest of their lives. Writing becomes a drag when you feel that you have to and not because you want to, and this doesn’t have to be the case. Developing good writing habits...

Stimuli of Characters

Picture this: A woman rushes out of her house and screams, “A giant blob is out to eat me! Somebody please help me!” She’s hysterical and scared out of her wits as she repeats her statement while pointing to her house. Law enforcers come to...

Choosing a Writing Group

Even writers who spend hours in isolation writing down their thoughts need to connect with other people. This is where writing groups come in, where like-minded fellows can provide support to one another. For beginner writers, this is a great step to start their writing...

Environmental Storytelling:The Secret Weapon for Descriptive Prose

Environmental storytelling is an aspect of descriptive writing that often gets overlooked by many writers. Done well, it can be the secret weapon that lifts your descriptive writing to the next level for a reader. It’s a technique that builds greater immersion and engagement with...

Persist No Matter How Many Times You Are Rejected

You’ve heard it many times before that getting a book traditionally published isn’t easy. Manuscript rejection has deprived the world of many great potential writers. Rejection is soul-crushing to any writer because they value the opinions of publishers and literary agents. They look up to...

Habits and Mannerisms Make Your Characters Human

Our daily lives are filled with tiny actions and gestures that we never pay attention to and forget at the end of the day. From sniffing a bottle of perfume, petting a dog, or clicking our tongue in disgust at an auto-correct message, these trivial...

Your Sacrificial Characters Must Do More than Just Sacrifice

Sacrificial characters are nothing new in different genres, especially in action thrillers. Sacrificial characters are the typical people in your neighborhood (unless it’s fantasy or sci-fi). We read them in a passive manner, second-guessing how their appearance in the story will advance the plot or...

Believing the Unbelievable in Fiction

Sometimes when you read a story, you shake your head and say, “This is impossible!" But somewhere out there, somebody is reading the same story. He suspends his element of disbelief and buys the story as plausible. Regardless of its genre, the reader is convinced...

Six tips to combat writers’ block – Part 2

In part 1 of this article, we covered three tips – specific writing output, mental editing, and sleeping on it. We examine the remaining three here in part 2. Tip 4 – Park it temporarily This is a continuation to the ‘sleep on it’ rule. When you...

Six tips to combat writers’ block – Part 1

Writing is an individual activity. Inspiration can strike anywhere. However, the craft of writing is solitary and cognitively intensive. As a result, writers encounter writers’ block. It is a natural part of the writing process. My experience is that writers’ block can lead to positive...