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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Searching for Happily-Ever-After

Why do we write? Perhaps I should rephrase the question: why do you write? To create the perfect world? The utopia, full of excitement and happily-ever-afters? We writers have the means to create, and share, a great story, and we have a strong compulsion to...

The Decay of Gregorian Poetry

Many remember King George V as the ruler of the British Empire. In politics, he supported British soldiers during World War I, gave a voice to the middle class, and was a witness to India’s independence movement. In private circles, he was thought of as...

Social Justice in Children's Literature

Recently, people are paying more attention to how society treats its members. They pay attention to topics such as wealth distribution and social privileges and universal healthcare. They see the importance of social institutions such as public schools and the ease of social mobility. They...

Plagiarism – It’s Not Only Illegal, It Hurts

We’ve all heard about it. We know what it means. Most of us try hard to avoid copying and stealing what’s not ours. But how many of us have felt the pain inflicted when we discover someone else has stolen our work? Our creativity published...

Keep the Creative Juices Flowing

Just because you think your novel’s done, it doesn’t mean you’re done. Not by a longshot. If you’re serious about being a writer, then you can’t just stop when the last word is written for one story. Keep writing. Always. Make sure there’s a new...

Full Synopsis/Plot Overview

I have written quite a few synopses (plural of the synopsis) – short, brief, a slight taste of what the story is about. But a complete plot overview? A full synopsis? I was quite surprised by a recent request from a publisher considering my latest...

Horrific Inspirations: Ed Gingerich

Edward Gingerich (1966-2011) was the first Amish individual to be convicted of homicide in the United States criminal justice system. What went wrong to make him the first in hundreds of years of Amish teachings to be convicted of murder? Born in 1966, it is often...

Horrific Inspirations: Eli Stutzman

Is there such a thing as an Amish serial killer? I’m not sure how many of you have asked this question but it has been floating around in my head for some time. In the course of my search for answers, I stumbled upon Eli Stutzman...

Horrific Inspirations: An Amish Massacre

The Amish are known for their simplistic way of life and seemingly idyllic communities. No electricity. No phones. No cars. Unfortunately for them, the Amish aren’t immune from the same types of crimes we see on a daily basis and, eventually, require the help of...

Horrific Inspirations: The Soap-Maker of Correggio

Perhaps the most interesting and gruesome killer I have ever stumbled upon in my searches of the interweb is Leonarda Cianciulli (1894-1970) - the soap maker of Correggio. Was she born evil? Was she just the product of her environment? What happened to make her...