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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Don’t Forget to Take a Notebook

Perhaps not an issue now that we are in self-isolation (or, at least, we should be). However, I still carry one with me, even if I’m just walking the dog. You never know when that spark of inspiration is going to strike. Every time I leave...

Understanding Decision Making Models Part 2

Value of the Eight-Step Model The eight-step ethical decision-making model is a valuable model because it provides a method for handling ethical issues and conflicts in an organized manner. The eight-step ethical decision-making model is specifically designed to minimize harm, receive input from other professionals, understand...

Understanding Decision Making Models Part 1

In my article "The Need for Psychology Understanding,” I discussed how fiction writers need at least a basic understanding of psychology in order to write realistic content, dialogues, characters, and relationships. One such psychological concept is decision-making models. While most writers know and understand that...

Understanding Informed Consent and Confidentiality Part 2

Confidentiality Confidentiality is a promise that practicing psychology professionals make to their clients that all communications and information provided by the client will remain private except when required to be released by the law (Southern New Hampshire University, n.d.). However, confidentiality is not just a...

Understanding Informed Consent and Confidentiality Part 1

In my article "The Need for Psychology Understanding,” I discussed how fiction writers need at least a basic understanding of psychology in order to write realistic content, dialogues, characters, and relationships. One such psychological concept is informed consent and confidentiality. Many writers have a basic...

Domestic Violence in Fiction

On television, we see violent men and women abusing their partners, only for their partners to turn up in a police investigation later on. We read articles and court cases about people accusing their former loved ones of physical, sexual, and psychological violence. We see...

This and That: Overused Words and Creatively Original Alternatives

How many times do you use the word, that? “That flower over there that you said would grow into a big flower that would dominate that garden that is in front of that house.” Overused? Starting to grate on your nerves as you read all...

Travel Writing Inspirations

Many writers dream of exploring the earth. Some are drawn to fascinating sites that have inspired countless legends, while others take a more scenic route, looking to local towns for their muses. But either way, when it comes to travel writing, you can’t help but...

Writing Great Reviews: Appraising Atmosphere

One of the greatest selling points of novels, particularly those in the genre fields as opposed to literary works, is the power of atmosphere, which here means the quality to take readers into another world in an immersive and engaging fashion. Perhaps more notable in...

In An Age of Uncertainty, Where Do I Begin?

Some of the greatest works in literature were written while the author was in isolation of some description or under quarantine. Take William Shakespeare, for example. His life and creativity were frequently hindered by outbreaks of the plague. It has been suggested that one of...