Author Services
Proofreading, Editing, Critique
Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.
Visit our Writing Services PageHundreds of Helpful Articles
We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
Setting Your Book's Price
So, you’ve written a bestseller, contracted for an eye-catching book cover, and completed the interior design and layout of your book. As you go to set up your book at the distributor of your choice, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or Ingram-Spark, you...
How To Publish Your Ebook On Amazon
Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP is one of the most convenient ways of self-publishing. One can easily publish a book on KDP with just a few simple steps. But these simple steps can become daunting. Sometimes, even after following all the steps correctly, one might...
What to Do Before Submitting Your Manuscript to a Publisher/ Literary agent
You have completed writing your novel so what next? It’s time to get your book published. I assume you have already made up your mind about whether you are going to self-publish or take the traditional route of publishing. If you decide to publish traditionally, then you...
What To Expect After Submitting Your Query Letter
You have finished writing your manuscript and you think it’s time you got your book published. Supposing you choose the traditional way of publishing, you have two choices. Your first choice is to contact a literary agent. Your second choice is to directly contact a...
The Pros of Joining Writing Groups and Communities
You may have realized in your journey as a writer, that writing is more than just words on paper. There is so much that comes with writing. Writing is more like a process of growth. You adopt new ideas and routines while abandoning others as...
Self-Publishing After a Traditional Publisher Closes
There are many articles in cyberspace about how to do self-publishing right. I should know because I have read hundreds of them since learning that my publisher was going out of business as of the end of last year. It was a small independent publisher...
What to Consider When Designing Your Book Cover
Even though a wise man once said “Do not judge a book by its cover,” most people judge books by their covers. It may not occur to you as a writer the important role the cover of your book plays in the success of your...
How to Find the Perfect Font for Your Novel
The font is the workhorse of your book and sends out a message to readers about the kind of content to expect. But before you set out to find the perfect font for your book, you need to understand the basic terminology. 1. Font Terminology - A...
How To Create A Digital Book Cover That Sells
It is recommended that authors enlist a professional designer to create their book covers. But authors need to know the basic design principles and elements of a great book cover. After all, the designer will present you with a few options, and you will have...
Let's Talk Traditional Publishing: My Experience
It is every author's dream to have an agent or a publisher look at their work and say, "Yes, this is exactly what we want," and publish their book, as it was my dream too. To have your book published by a company is great...