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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

The A to Z of Writing Fiction – Part 4

R is for Revise Revision is a huge part of writing a novel. There are very few writers that can sit down and produce the perfect novel the first time around. Most likely, when you read through your work, you will find things wrong, things that...

The A to Z of Writing Fiction – Part 3

K is for Killing Off Your Darlings This doesn’t necessarily mean killing off your main character; it’s more about killing off or eliminating what isn’t right and doesn’t fit. You may have written a fantastic scene but if it doesn’t fit, it can't stay. You don’t...

The A to Z of Writing Fiction – Part 2

E is for the Ending – Always Have One in Mind Like a first kiss, a beginning can seduce you with potential; it can set the theme of what is to come but the ending has to deliver on those promises. And it has to do...

The A to Z of Writing Fiction – Part 1

There is nothing more daunting for a writer than staring at a blank page, especially first-time writers. What I aim to do is kill off your hesitation with my A to Z guide of novel writing, full of tips, advice, and hints on how to...

How to Write a Killer Plot Twist – Part 2

Avoid the Gimmicks Most readers will be emotionally invested in your story and that needs to pay off for them. Don’t ever have the plot twist happen in a way that they feel insulted or tricked. A good twist will always make their investment deeper. This is...

How to Write a Killer Plot Twist – Part 1

Have you ever picked up a novel that everyone has recommended to you? It's gotten rave reviews and you really do have very high expectations from it. Most of the books like this that you pick up will just fall flat but, every now and...

Writing Believable Dialogue

Writers are often tempted to plant too much information in character dialogues. They do this because they feel that such information is necessary for the reader to know, or that they could be giving too much information in the narrative so that putting it in...

Get Prepared for NaNoWriMo – Part 3

The final tip in your preparation checklist is a very important one. Step Six – Prepare yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally Think of NaNoWriMo as running a marathon. You wouldn’t do it without being at peak physical, mental and emotional fitness so don’t attempt this writing challenge...

Get Prepared for NaNoWriMo – Part 2

If your plan is to totally crush it at NaNoWriMo or NaNonFiWriMo(National Non-Fiction Writing Month) you have got to have a plan. There is no other way that you can maintain your focus and energy for such an intense challenge without one and your productivity...

Get Prepared for NaNoWriMo – Part 1

National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is a big writing event that happens every November. The goal is for writers to push out a 50,000+ word novel in the space of one month and the ‘coat of arms’ for the event contains four things that...