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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Why You Should Write a Short Story

Working on a novel? Looking for a bit of a break from it? Or are you just looking to build up some writing experience? Then write a short story. Short stories can be a lot of fun to write; you have the perfect opportunity to create a...

4 Ways to Keep Your YA Readers Hooked

Many of today’s YA writers are adults; that creates something of a generation gap between them and their audience. Things may be completely different for teens these days compared to when you were a teen and it can be hard to recognize that when writing...

Binge Writing – Is it Good For You?

Are you a binge or drip writer? A binge writer will tackle their writing projects as and when they feel like it or when a deadline is fast coming up. They write for long periods of time and produce a finished piece of work as the...

Five Ways to Get Writing Experience Part 2

Here’s three more ways to get some valuable writing experience. Comment on Social Media I’m talking professionally, not sharing pictures of your kids! Start on Twitter; practice saying a lot in a few words. Stick to topics that your readers might find interesting and keep it professional....

Five Ways to Get Writing Experience Part 1

If you’ve nothing to write about, how can you possibly get any writing experience? That’s tough for someone who wants to write for a living; you know you can do it but you’ve no proof of experience. And how do you improve? It doesn’t matter if...

The Em-Dash – How To Use it Part 2

So, what is this em dash all about? We use the em dash to create a sudden shift in thought, especially when you need the emphasis to be on abruptness. It can also be used to replace semicolons, colons, and commas. An example: She took the lead—although...

The Em Dash – How To Use it Part 1

Do you use em dashes? Do you even know what one is? Loads of authors use the em dash—perhaps too much at times. Too many of them look unprofessional, create a sloppy look and really do nothing more than decrease effectiveness; despite that, you still...

The Secrets of Using Semicolons Part 3

Now we get a bit more complicated – using semicolons, conjunctive adverbs or transition words with a comma to join complete sentences. Conjunctive adverbs are also known as transitional adverbs and include words like: However Moreover Nevertheless Consequently Therefore Otherwise And many others like them. Transitional phrases and words include: In the first place In...

The Secrets of Using Semi-colons Part 2

Before you can even think about using a semicolon properly, do you know what a complete sentence is? In all its forms? This is very important. A complete sentence is also called an independent clause; it contains a subject and a corresponding verb. Be careful because other...

The Secrets of Using Semicolons Part 1

Do you know the right way to use a semicolon? Do you use them in your writing? Many good writers will often leave them alone, for fear of putting them in the wrong place. And there are those who think the semicolon is old-school stuff, far...