Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Formatting Consistency

One of the most intimidating aspects of writing any kind of manuscript is knowing how to format it properly so that it is more readable and looks much more professional. Formatting is the term writers use to refer to how a manuscript is written. Letter...

Top Five Resources For The Mystery Writer

Are you a fan of Agatha Christie novels? Would you like to write to the caliber of the Miss Fisher series? Writing a mystery requires a specific set of tools; you must be well organized, understand character arcs, know how to utilize your settings, and...

Importance of Proofreading

Writing a book is a wonderful endeavor regardless of the reasons for the work. An author could write because a general subject means something to them or applies to their life in some way, or to share something specific with the world or just because...

Growth Tips for the Beginner - Part 3

Say yes often Try saying yes to different opportunities. Do not let fear hold you back. There are so many times I have said yes and it has turned out great, better than I had envisioned. Saying yes can be fearful. You do not want to...

Growth Tips for the Beginner - Part 2

Edit, edit again and then again Writing does not end when the book is done; editing should be part of the writing process itself just as actual writing is. It does not matter how great a book is, if the editing is not done thoroughly and...

Read Like A Writer

Some of the best writers I have ever met are people who have English Literature degrees. I do not know whether this is a coincidence, but maybe it is because they have had to read books as often as I drink coffee. There is actually a method to reading correctly that few people know about....

Defining Characteristics

Regardless of what genre you are writing or how long the manuscript may be, the text body is an essential part of the work because it contains the relevant information to the story that will make or break your written work. When introducing a new character...

Growth Tips for the Beginner - Part 1

Everyone has been praising you for your writing, you know that you can write but you are not sure how to grow. There is always fear that accompanies anyone’s first step when they are embarking on a dream. As a beginner, there are a lot...

A Gaslighter Villain

As a writer, I am always looking at ways to make my characters more three dimensional, especially villains. I recently came across the term Gaslighting and thought I would do some investigation into the term. Gaslight originates from the 1938 stage play of the same name, about a man who successfully convinces his wife that she is insane....

Writing A Toxic Personality

I think it is fair to say that during our lifetime most of us have had the misfortune of having a toxic friend. Whether it was from school, university or work. Whenever there are a group of friends, especially a group of females, there is always peer pressure to conform. You...