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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Why Daydreaming Is Good

Have you ever wondered why you are told, as a writer, to always keep a notebook handy? The reason is simple; your best ideas will most likely come to you when you least expect them to, maybe while you are taking a shower, or just before...

Why Subtext Is Important

More often than not it's not what you say, but rather how you say it. A couple of complimentary words, with the correct manner of speaking, can turn into a sarcastic put-down. Of the eight components of speech, the subtext is likely the most vital...

The Most Evil Characters In Literature

There are many villains in literature, but those who follow, in my opinion, are the epitome of evil. They have the characteristics that present-day villains are based upon.  Satan in Paradise Lost by John Milton. Year: 1667 - The ultimate villain in literature. Milton's continuation of this fallen angel is a...

Why You Should Write Erotica

There’s a reason why we indulge in guilty pleasures behind closed doors. For instance, some people like crocheting, even if it hurts their image. Others like watching a certain TV show, such Toddlers and Tiaras or Keeping Up With the Kardashians. But for many readers...

The Benefits of Writing a Clean Romance

Nowadays, when you look at adult or young adult romance books, there’s often sexual encounters, or even sex, somewhere in the pages. Whenever someone notices their true love interest, it’s usually by their looks. A friend the protagonist knows and truly cares about can begin...

Creating Character Conflict

Every novel that has ever been written involves characters interacting with one another. Even when a novel's storyline is around loneliness, you may find a character has a relationship with an inanimate object or animal. Without character interaction, the story cannot move forward, and there...

The All-Important First Chapter

When writing my debut novel, Freedom for Me: A Chinese Yankee, I struggled mightily with the opening chapter. I knew I wanted to place my protagonist, Thomas, in the middle of a battle to give the book a dramatic opening and lay the groundwork for...

Why Diversity is Important and How You Can Get it Right: Part Two

Characters are people. Even when a character is a dog or an exotic alien, we are still writing about the human experience from a human perspective. The most important detail to keep in mind when creating characters is that people are people well before they...

Why Diversity is Important and How You Can Get it Right: Part One

The last few years have shown a growing trend towards diversity in both the characters featured in books as well as the authors writing them. This movement is still gaining momentum, but the contrast it’s already produced in the world of fiction novels is striking. However,...

The Brevity of Love

I recently had the pleasure of reading Straight Uphill: A Tale of Love and Chocolate by Jess Wells. It was a story about a mother who had recently lost her son in a bus accident. After everything that’s happened, she decides to go to Italy, where...