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Hundreds of Helpful Articles
We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
Writing a Book for English as a Second Language Learners
When writing a book geared toward English as second language learners, a few things are important for the writer to be aware of. A good book can “aid in dispelling what are often myths about other cultures, and replace those myths with an accurate understanding of...
Writing Advice You Should Ignore
Writers are bombarded with advice on how to write stronger, better, and faster in their quest to bring the next great American novel into the world. It’s easy to drown in the motivational speeches and quotes out there, and it’s a personal responsibility to filter...
How The 4 Types Of Therapeutic Writing Benefit Writers
We all know that writing is a creative activity. But did you know that it is also a therapeutic activity to help us deal with trauma and hardship? When I use therapeutic writing, it enables me to distance myself from my thoughts and feelings and...
7 Compelling Reasons to Make Writing Your Hobby
Many writers feel that their friends and family see their writing as a hobby, Never mind that it is their career and means of income - including the pressure to perform and to meet strict deadlines. Then there are those for whom writing truly is...
Lies Writers Tell Themselves and How to Defeat Them
Self-limiting beliefs arise during our formative years in reaction to painful experiences. We tell these lies to ourselves to protect ourselves from hurt, which influences what we think, say, and do. Common limiting beliefs of writers are - Nobody will want to read my book. - There are too...
What is a Story Bible and Do You Need One?
Anyone who writes a novel should make notes, or a character might begin with long fair hair and end with it brown and curly! Where a Story Bible becomes essential is when you are writing a series of novels. The “cast” increases, and the characters age,...
Why Writers Procrastinate and How to Solve It
I often complain that I need more time to write, but then I spend a lot of time planning, researching, or even organizing my writing space. Although all these activities are essential, they shouldn’t keep me from writing. So, why do writers procrastinate? - The leading cause...
Pros and Cons of Writing Contests for New Writers
As a newbie writer, you often wonder: Can entering writing contests help me to get noticed? Or should I rather spend all my time working on my book? Let’s investigate these contests, giving you the information you need to decide for yourself. Pros: - Prices can vary from...
8 Reasons Why Vibrant Writers Should Write Book Reviews
There are many ways that writers can get their books reviewed. It varies from scouring the web for book bloggers who love reading and promoting authors—but also paid services through book tours with publishers or reviewers for sites like Readers Favorite or Kirkus Reviews. But have...
Should You Add a Prologue to Your Novel?
Your story exists, either in draft or as a plot plan, so if you favor using a prologue, now is the time to ask yourself if you need one. Would a prologue: 1) Provide extra information to enhance the plot? 2) Be a teaser – bring...