Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

What to Write About in Education

Education is a large subject area with numerous topics that can be written about. However, it can also be a difficult area in which to get started because of the overwhelming topic options. The best way to begin is in narrowing down your topic. In...

5 Great Books to Research Your Historical Fiction: 1920s

Historical fiction is a great way to capture an era, whether it is the elegant Victorian era or the swinging pace and sizzle of the Jazz era. Unlike contemporary novels of even fantasy, where all a writer needs is their imagination, historical fiction requires meticulous...

Best Proofreading Techniques

Whether you are writing a one-page document or a big novel, one of the most frustrating things to do is proofreading and yet it is an absolute necessity. Even with your best efforts, you might still fail to spot some of the errors in your...

Writers Beware of Author’s Voice

Do you want to improve your writing, quicken the pace, and engage your reader? You can by avoiding one of the most common mistakes made by writers: the use of author’s voice. You haven’t heard of author’s voice and you wonder why writers need to avoid...

3 Types of Writing Styles

How many times have you heard that writing is all about determination - the ability to sit down faithfully every day and write your 500 words (or 1000 or a chapter)? How many of you feel guilty because that never seems to work for you? Or,...

Manuscript Checklist: Top 5 Things to Remember Before Submitting Your Book

There are quite a number of reasons why your manuscript might be rejected. The best way to minimize chances of rejection is by ensuring that your manuscript is the very best it can be before submitting it. Below are the top five suggestions on what...

6 Tips on How to Start the Next Chapter

Avid readers and writers alike know the exact origin of the line, “Call me Ishmael.” The opening lines of books garner a great deal of attention in academic discussions, but how many remember the opening line of chapter 23? In the grand scheme of academic...

To Edit or Not To Edit

It goes without saying that all writers must edit their work and all written work must be edited. But where and when and to what purpose? This was a conundrum that I faced early in my writing career when I received my manuscript, returned from a...

The Where, When, How, and Why to Begin That First Novel

Where does one begin the first novel? Or any novel for that matter? Well, on the first page, of course. But, face it, there’s no place better to write than where one is right now. When should one start writing it? Nothing like the present....

Fiverr for Freelance Writers

Fiverr is a global website that acts as an online marketplace where buyers and sellers can exchange money for gigs (tasks/jobs). The name Fiverr comes from the fact that the starting cost of all jobs is $5. There are many different categories of gigs offered...