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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

The Bird of Hermes: George Ripley

Alchemy was an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. It’s a practice laid the foundations for actual scientific practices we value today, such as medicine, psychology, and experimentation. It brought to life biology, astrology, and chemistry, and had sown the seeds for some of...

Beta Testing Ideas with Fanfiction Part 2

Legal Writers need to understand that the legality of fanfiction applies to fanfiction works that are published or posted online and as a result, the writer needs to understand how to avoid legal trouble from writing the fanfiction. The easy way to avoid any legal issues...

Beta Testing Ideas with Fanfiction Part 1

One question of writing that troubles many fiction writers is how to find out if their ideas are not only good ideas but if they will be well received and understood by readers. Thankfully, there is a way for writers to have a beta test...

How Writers Can Keep Earning Under the Pandemic (Part 2 of 2)

They find that stories unrelated to the coronavirus are still in demand. The world continues to turn and life goes on. If you look at online job boards and wanted ads in social media, jobs for writers to pen non-pandemic related articles are alive and pulsing....

How Writers Can Keep Earning Under the Pandemic (Part 1 of 2)

You’re probably at home reading this. You’re finding ways how to make use of your time to maximize profits as a writer. Businesses are down and job seekers are struggling to find jobs as the indefinite period of our self-quarantine continues to suspend industries in...

Understanding Trials, Mistrials, and Juries Part 3

Juries and Jurors In order to understand how juries work, the writer needs to understand how jurors make decisions and how those decisions affect the jury as a whole. Most juries follow the same basic decision-making framework of (1) presentation of issues, (2) clarify questions and gather...

Understanding Trials, Mistrials, and Juries Part 2

Types of Trials Civil Cases A civil case is a trial that is comprised of a disagreement between two or more people or businesses. These cases do not involve criminal charges, but rather civil charges. Some examples of civil court cases are: 1. Disputes between landlords and tenants 2....

Understanding Trials, Mistrials, and Juries Part 1

Many writers struggle when it comes to writing about trials and mistrials as many of these writers are basing their understanding on what they have seen in the media. The media does not always present a clear and/or truthful picture of trials, mistrials, and juries. This...

Does Your Middle Sag? Moving the Plot Along

You started your story with a strong hook and you’ve captured the reader’s attention. Now, you have to carry the story along, lead the plot towards a resounding climax and keep readers on the edge of their seats till the end. Then, something falls flat....

Making the Most Out of Your Story in the Time of Coronavirus (Part 2 of 2)

Build tension as the story moves along Tension is reserved for your reader. It’s an element of entertainment that keeps them glued to their seats and wanting more. To build tension, consider these approaches: a) Give your characters flaws to make readers feel invested. b) Heighten the risks...