Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Dance With the Skeletons in Your Closet

With all the material addressing mental wellness, one thing is clearly emphasized and that is “learn to free your mind.” It is logically the best way to deal with mental health issues. After all, in the first place, your mental health is poor because your...

How To Read More Books

Our lives have become quite hectic. As a result, people don’t get much time to spend reading. But, it might not be that tough to increase the number of books you read. Whether you want to increase the number of books you read or do...

Why It Is Important To Read To Your Child Before Bed

Getting your child to bed at night can prove to be a very tough job. Some parents adopt the method of reading to their children before bed. It not only calms down their hyperactive children but also provides a myriad of other benefits. Why is...

Bullet Journal

In our day-to-day life, where our stress level is off the charts, staying organized is tough. We have all been there where we hastily scrambled our deadlines, ideas, or events on random scraps of paper in hopes of remembering them. But we never really do,...

Exercise: The Friend You Love to Hate

“Isn’t it exciting?” my friend said. “She retired from her job and is a fitness instructor now.” “That’s horrible!” I said. “Why would she do that? Was she forced into retirement?” My friend’s jaw dropped. “Sherri, I thought you’d be happy that somebody was able to finally...

Types of Meditation

The art of meditation is just one of the many wonders of the human brain, quite small yet capable of accomplishing unbelievable things. Most writers are familiar with the word meditation, but not many have experienced or harnessed the power of meditation. Perhaps the only...

Your Mental Health

Writers and perhaps most people who deal with creative content production are among the people whose mental health is at great risk. You do know the meaning of the words 'mental health,' don’t you? It’s okay if you don’t. Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and...

The Effects of the Lack of Sleep

With tight schedules and deadlines at school or work, an insatiable addiction to social media, watching sports and TV shows among other things, as a writer, you must have heard someone, or perhaps someone must have heard you say at some point, “I can do just...

Blog Birthday: What I've Learned

It's my website's birthday! Actually about two months late, but you know, better now than never! When I first started my website, I had so many plans and ideas, so many things I couldn't wait to do. My very first post was about my coming out, it...

My Top Three Distractions and How I Deal with Them

Everyone faces distractions and they always seem to be the worst when we're trying to get work done. I'm going to go over my top three, that you may or may not relate to, and how I handle them. My first distraction: my cats. If you...