Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Five Internet Marketing Books You Should Read Now

The latest books on Internet marketing depict how social media and online marketing have changed and tell you how to navigate these changes. These are the five Internet marketing books you should read today. #1: The Social Media Side Door: How to Bypass the Gatekeepers to...

Gain More Readers by Starting a Blog

If an author wants to gain more readers, is starting a blog necessary? This is the question we’ll try to answer. There are many reasons why people create a blog. It is a way to express their opinions, share their experiences, and to provide information...

How to Correctly Market Your Book

You’re done writing your book, yes. You are already in the publishing process, yes. The question is will it be sold? Do you know how to correctly market your book? The number of books written every day is unbelievably high because many people love writing....

Book Marketing Tactics That Also Engage Readers

It is not easy to turn a book into a bestseller. It is particularly hard to make a book by a relatively new author in the industry reach the heights of books written by seasoned authors. However, even if a book does become a bestseller,...

How to Use the Media to Increase Your Book Sales

There are two types of media that authors can use to promote their books, reach out to potential readers and increase their book sales; these are traditional media and social media. For you to be able to promote your book to your target audience and...

Making a Book Trailer

A book trailer is a great promotional tool that you, as an author, can use to advertise your books. It contains video clips, photographs, text or voice narrations and music presented in a way so as to inform the viewer of what your book is...

How to Successfully Market a Self-Published Book

Authors who want to self-publish their books should know that writing is only the first step. The hardest part is marketing the book but if this is done properly, it could yield great results. There are several must-do things for self-published authors who want to...

Things That Authors Should Avoid Like the Plague When Marketing

The number of self-publishing authors has increased significantly over the past few years. Authors are acting more and more like entrepreneurs and they are finding creative ways to market their own books. However, regardless of whether an author is just getting into the book marketing...

Importance Of A Marketing Plan To An Author And How To Make It.

Trying to sell your own book might be a more difficult task than that of writing the book. Some authors find it difficult to market their own books and some of them have no clue where to begin. Others try to market their books using...

7 Ways To Reignite Your Book Sales

One reaches a time when sales of a certain book start to decline. Sometimes it is unavoidable because people have already read the book. The only way for an author to prepare for this moment is to have another book in the works as sales...