Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Author Blogs Can Help Increase Book Sales

So, you have finished writing and publishing your book. Good job. Your goal now is to sell the book and have a large number of book sales if possible. You are thinking of marketing strategies. Why not try to author a blog as a means...

Ways To Make Sure Your New Book Flies Off The Shelves

Many authors don’t believe that they can contribute much to the success of their books, especially when it comes to promotion. However, everybody has an inner marketer and all you need to do is to channel him/her. The following are some of the things you...

The Best Way To Start A Book Marketing Plan

There are hundreds of ways to promote books but the most effective method is word of mouth recommendation. It has been for decades. How can word of mouth recommendation still be the most effective way to promote a book? It is a highly credible, highly...

Four Ways For Authors To Promote Their Books

When an author has completed writing his book, there are many ways to promote it. Sometimes an author can start promoting his book long before its debut to build interest among his audience. However, there are not many authors who start promoting their books before...

Things Authors Can Do While Awaiting Publication of Their Books

There are many things that authors can do when they have submitted their books for publication, depending on where the process has reached. There are many things authors can do to make their books more successful before the books become available for sale. Gather reviews When you...

Four Ways to Pay Lower Commissions When Self-Publishing

The arrival of the Amazon Kindle self-publishing platform and other similar platforms shook the publishing industry to its roots and it is still causing waves. The introduction of self-publishing platforms opened the eyes of big and small authors to the possibility of publishing their books...

Most Comprehensive Author Checklist for Marketing Books

When you are an author and plan to help your publisher market your book or if you publish the book by yourself, there are some things that you must do in order to carry out a successful marketing campaign. We shall divide these activities into...

Top Priorities When Marketing Your Book

It is not uncommon for authors to be called upon by their publishers/editors to help market their books. There are three main stages involved when marketing a book: before publication, during publication, and after publication. An author has to do everything right at all these...

How to Increase Online Book Sales

The process of selling books doesn’t change a lot whether you are selling them online or at brick-and-mortar stores. The things you need to do to succeed in selling books offline are pretty much the same. In order to drive online book sales, there are...

How Authors Can Make Great Videos to Promote Their Books

In a recent study by Cisco, Internet video accounts for 40% of all internet traffic by consumers and it is expected to go higher. Videos are shared more than anything else on social media and they are so popular because they are social media-friendly. Whether...