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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Stories Must Begin With Action

You open your story with the protagonist sitting by the windowsill watching the clouds roll by, or standing on the rooftop looking below at the people walking past. This kind of opening does not offer any action or drama. The character is not doing anything...

Misconceptions About First Person Narration

Visit your local bookstore and sift through the titles of young adult fiction. It is surprising to see that a huge chunk of the YA market is written in the first person point of view. The first person narration conveys narration with optimum effect. Yet...

Character Development Through the Passage of Time

Character attitudes and sentiments must develop as the story progresses. Whether a character saturates the pages with his presence, or if he has disappeared for a few pages or more (even for a few hours), the character must exhibit something new or redescribed to align...

Should You Quit Writing?

Writing as a vocation is a love-hate relationship. It is an art often romanticized as an elusive muse that needs taming in order for it to flow. This rings true for the writer who is yet to be published. At some point, an aspiring man...

The Quick-Paced, Formulated Story

Quick-paced, formulated fiction has a bad reputation among many writers. This story structure is highlighted by stereotypical heroes and heroines where introspection takes a back seat as events are narrated through action. The plot is the selling point, and readers are less invested in the characters. The...

Background Story in Your Story

Part of which makes characters believable are their background stories. It is the component that makes readers love or hate them. Any character devoid of their own what, when, why, who, where, and how becomes unrealistic and forgettable. But in fiction, too much of anything...

7 Favorite Claimants to Shakespeare’s Authorship (Part 2)

Christopher Marlowe Marlowe was just two years older than Shakespeare and had the required talent to pull it off. Marlowe’s death was said to be faked, or that he kept working covertly while bleeding from a stab wound for twenty years. Under the protection of his...

7 Favorite Claimants to Shakespeare’s Authorship (Part 1)

As Shakespeare’s plays oozed with grace and expertise, it has bred envious scrutiny as a number of people throughout history claimed that the Bard was simply a stooge who allowed his name to be used by someone greater, who refused the prestigious credit of becoming...

Defining Character Relationship Through Sex

During the conservative era of literature, the depiction of sex was considered taboo and was better left in the sanctity of the bedroom. But times change, and defiant writers believed that sex as a natural, biological function must be depicted. Otherwise, all things that come...

Supporting Characters as Source of Information

Internal monologue, action, and dialogue may reveal character, but how far can the writer allow it? Most of us are familiar with this Aristotelian maxim: Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. It is a question worth applying to fictional characters. In the application...