Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Avoiding Excessive Stream of Consciousness

Stream of consciousness or internal monologue reveals additional information on a character’s thoughts and reveals motivation. Modern-day writers must observe caution in using this technique. It has changed according to the tastes and trends of the times. Stream of consciousness gained favor during the twentieth...

The Myth About Fictional Characters

A three-dimensional character is one of the sturdy foundations of an effective story. How many times have you often heard readers saying that they didn’t like the characters because they are flat, or that they don’t jump out of the pages? This creates anxiety for...

Reasons Why Writing is Good for You

There are many benefits that come with writing. One major benefit is that writing helps in developing a more focused mind. Writing requires concentration and the dedication of your time to a specific task. This helps the mind become more accustomed to solving one task...

Tips on Self-Editing your First Draft

You are done with your novel, now it is time to edit. Self-editing can be a rigorous activity that many overlook yet it is necessary for the success of your book. There are a few tips that you could make use of to create the...

How to Achieve Clarity in your Writing

One of the basic functions of the written word is to communicate a message from one person to another. Achieving clarity in your writing is not always easy, especially if you are writing a longer piece such as a book. Even though challenging, creating clear...

Story Ideas in Anecdotes and Everyday Objects

I once had coffee with an elderly neighbor who was grieving the passing of her beloved cat. As we talked about profound loss inside her living room, I noticed a leather stool standing at a corner wall. The leather cushion seat was riddled with cat...

Protagonist Versus Antagonist

The effectiveness of your hero is determined by the effectiveness of your villain. A villain that is easy to overcome does not make the hero empathic. Resolving conflict for the hero should never come easily. The antagonist, therefore, should have greater leverage in achieving his...

 To Quit or Not to Quit -  Part 2

So, you know you need to quit stuff, but what? “I quit” are two of the most powerful words but only if you know where to say them. According to Seth Godin, a popular blogger, “Winners quit fast, often and without guilt”. Why? Because they work...

To Quit or Not to Quit - Part 1

Are you one of those writers that want to produce an amazing piece of work? Something that has the power to change readers’ minds and hearts, maybe even their lives? Well, you’ve come to the right place so keep on reading and I will tell...

Mindfulness For Writers – Part 2

Overcoming Writer’s Block When you suffer from writer’s block, it is nothing more than a thought, a belief that you are stuck. Learn to ignore the thought and turn your attention to your writing and the words will flow. It may not be your best work...